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The Fuel Cell Industry Review 2020


The Fuel Cell Industry Review 2020 offers data, analysis and commentary on key events in the industry in 2020. Now in its seventh year, the Review has been compiled by a team led by E4tech - a specialist energy strategy consultancy with deep expertise in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector (see

Despite the title of this publication, we’ve said before that the fuel cell ‘industry’ is not a single industry at all. As those inside it know, it is divided by different materials, stages of maturity, applications and regions – all contributors to the fact it has taken time to get going. But it does seem to be getting traction. Part of that is down to decades of hard work and investment in R&D, technology improvement, and demonstrations. Thankfully, part of it is also down to changes in external conditions. Improving air quality is increasingly non-negotiable. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions likewise. And all while maintaining economic development and opportunity.

The growth spurt of the battery industry, allied with some of the drivers above, has catalysed thinking in where and how fuel cells can fit. Countries and regions which did not support batteries early on are scrambling to catch up and wish not to risk a repeat of their errors with fuel cells. So, support is being targeted at industrial development and competitiveness as well as solving societal problems. Which in turn is helping industry to decide on and take investment steps: Weichai’s 20,000 unit per annum PEM factory in China; Daimler and Volvo setting up their fuel cell truck JV; CHEM Energy building a factory for remote systems in S Africa."

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: United Kingdom

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