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Rising To the Challenge of a Hydrogen Economy: The Outlook for Emerging Hydrogen Value Chains, From Production to Consumption


For many, a large-scale hydrogen economy is essential to a a clean energy future, with three quarters of the more than 1,100 senior energy professionals we surveyed saying Paris Agreement targets will not be possible without it.
DNV’s research Rising to the challenge of a hydrogen economy explores the outlook for emerging hydrogen value chains, from production to consumption. It combines the wider view from the energy industry with commentary from business leaders and experts. Our research finds that the challenge is not in the ambition, but in changing the timeline: from hydrogen on the horizon to hydrogen in our homes, businesses, and transport systems.
We see that the energy industry is rising to this challenge. By 2025, almost half (44%) of energy companies globally involved in hydrogen expect it to account for more than a tenth of their revenue, rising to 73% of companies by 2030 – up significantly from just 8% of companies today. The research identifies infrastructure and cost as two of the biggest hurdles, while the right regulations are deemed the most powerful enabler, followed by carbon pricing. Proving the safety case will also be key to scaling the hydrogen economy.
Download your complimentary copy of DNV’s latest hydrogen research at their website link

Funding source: DNV
Countries: Norway

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