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f Reference Standard for Low Pressure Hydrogen Utilisation


This standard has been created for the specific purposes of the Hy4Heat programme. The standard was commissioned in 2018 and this version was considered and approved by the relevant IGEM committees in May of 2020. This version of the standard was developed using the latest publicly available information at that time and may include some conservative requirements which further research may deem not necessary. The supplement will be updated regularly following the publication of new research into the application of hydrogen.

This Reference Standard aims to identify and discuss the principles required for the safety and integrity of Hydrogen installation and utilisation in premises.

This document intends to:

  • provide a point of reference for those requiring an understanding of the implications of using hydrogen as a distributed gas in properties
  • detail the characteristics of Hydrogen
  • detail the comparisons between hydrogen and Natural Gas (NG)
  • discuss the safety implications of using hydrogen
  • discuss the implications for materials when using hydrogen
  • discuss the implications for the installation and use of using hydrogen in domestic & smaller commercial buildings.

The standard is available to download through the IGEM website here.

Countries: United Kingdom

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