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Progressing the Gas Goes Green Roadmap to Net Zero Webinar


The Gas Goes Green Programme developed by the gas networks and the Energy Networks Association (ENA) describes a viable pathway to the injection of hydrogen and biomethane as a practical step towards the decarbonisation of the UK gas sector, and will play a key role in the UK’s Net Zero energy strategy. It therefore follows that technical and management teams in the supply chain and related industries will need a sound understanding of the issues surrounding this deployment. This video shares the industry’s progress towards implementing the Gas Goes Green programme. Presenters including Oliver Lancaster, CEO IGEM, Dr Thomas Koller, Programme Lead Gas Goes Green at the Energy Network Association (ENA), and, Ian McCluskey CEng FIMechE FIGEM, Head of Technical and Policy, IGEM, share their views on what has already been achieved, and explain what they feel still needs to be done to develop the decarbonised gas network of tomorrow.

Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: United Kingdom

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