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The New Facility for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety Evaluation


For the evaluation of hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle safety, a new comprehensive facility was constructed in our institute. The new facility includes an explosion resistant indoor vehicle fire test building and high pressure hydrogen tank safety evaluation equipment. The indoor vehicle fire test building has sufficient strength to withstand even an explosion of a high pressure hydrogen tank of 260 liter capacity and 70 MPa pressure. It also has enough space to observe vehicle fire flames of not only hydrogen but also other conventional fuels, such as gasoline or compressed natural gas. The inside dimensions of the building are a 16 meter height and 18 meter diameter. The walls are made of 1.2 meter thick reinforced concrete covered at the insides with steel plate. This paper shows examples of hydrogen vehicle fires compared with other fuel fires and hydrogen high pressure tank fire tests utilizing several kinds of fire sources. Another facility for evaluation of high pressure hydrogen tank safety includes a 110 MPa hydrogen compressor with a capacity of 200 Nm3/h, a 300 MPa hydraulic compressor for burst tests of 70 MPa and higher pressure tanks and so on. This facility will be used for not only the safety evaluation of hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles but also the establishment of domestic/international regulations, codes, and standards.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Japan

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The New Facility for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety Evaluation

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