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Building Hydrogen Competence, a Technology Aligned Skills and Knowledge Approach


There is a pressing need for a framework and strategic approach to be taken to workforce safety training requirements of new hydrogen projects. It is apparent that organisations embarking on projects utilizing or producing green hydrogen need to implement a program of training for their workforce in order to ensure that all personnel within their organisation understand not only the environmental benefits of green hydrogen but also the safety considerations that come with either producing or using hydrogen as a fuel. Energy Transition must be safe to be successful. If such an approach is taken by industry and stakeholders it is also possible to use the high level content as a vehicle and basis to offer public audiences which also require a basic level of understanding in order to fully accept the transition to using hydrogen more widely as a fuel. This will be crucial to the success of national hydrogen strategies. Coeus Energy has developed an innovative framework of training following engagement with operators keen to ensure their duty of care responsibilities have been met. Whilst having highly skilled personnel already employed within their organisations, specific hydrogen content is still required for workforce competence. This is where the framework need arises as the knowledge is required at all levels of an organisation.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United Kingdom

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