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Characterisation, Dispersion and Electrostatic Hazards of Liquid Hydrogen for the PRESLHY Project


Liquid hydrogen has the potential to form part of the energy strategy in the future due to the need to decarbonise and replace fossil fuels and therefore could see widespread use. Adoption of LH2 means that the associated hazards need to be understood and managed. In recognition of this, the European Union Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking co-funded project PRESLHY undertook prenormative research for the safe use of cryogenic liquid hydrogen in non-industrial settings. Several key scenarios were identified as knowledge gaps, and both theoretical and experimental studies were conducted to provide insight into these scenarios. This included experiments studying the evolution/dispersion of a hydrogen cloud following a liquid release and the generation of electrostatic charges in hydrogen plumes and pipework, each of which are described and discussed. In addition, assessment of the physical phase of the hydrogen flow within the pipework (i.e. liquid, gas or two phase) was investigated. The objectives, experimental set up and result summary are provided. Data generated from these experiments is to be used to generate and validate theoretical models and ultimately contribute to the development of regulations, codes, and standards for the storage, handling and use of liquid hydrogen.

Funding source: This project received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779613. The HSE work programme acknowledges funding from its sponsors Shell, Lloyd's Register Foundation and Equinor and instrumentation provided by Dräger.
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United Kingdom

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