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Siting and Co-location with Hydrogen: What are the Risks?


The demand for hydrogen has grown more than threefold since 1975 [1], and price is expected to significantly decrease by 2030 [2] concluding in an expected continual increase in demand. HyLaw, defined by Hydrogen Europe, lays out recommendations for hydrogen applications using identified Legal and Administrative Processes (LAPs) across 18 European countries. Regarding site location, HyLaw refers to the land use plan. This defines the production and storage of hydrogen as an industrial activity and therefore, regardless of the specific site methods of production or use, the hydrogen site must be within a permitted industrial zone or under specific condition commercial areas [3]. Local authorities, fire departments and other concerned parties may need to be consulted on site suitability for the project. Risktec explores a range of considerations for siting and layout of hydrogen developments, including co-location with other assets, for example with renewable energy sources, hazardous facilities or public structures. Good practice tools and assessment techniques are presented to mitigate the risks associated with the production, storage and use of hydrogen not just the surrounding site and environment, but the operatives of the facility.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United Kingdom

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