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A Barrier Analysis of a Generic Hydrogen Refuelling Station


Any technical installation need appropriate safety barriers installed to prevent or mitigate any adverse effects concerning people, property and environment. In this context, a safety barrier is a series of elements each consisting of a technical system or human action that implement a planned barrier function to prevent, control, or mitigate the propagation of a condition or event into an undesired condition or event. This is also important for new technologies as hydrogen refuelling stations being operated at very high pressures up to 900bar. In order to establish the needed barriers a hazard identification of the installation has to be carried out to identify the possible hazardous events. In this study this identification was done using the generic layout of a future large hydrogen refuelling station that has been developed by the EU NoE HySafe. This was based on experiences with smaller scale refuelling stations that has been in operation for several years, e.g. being used in the former CUTE and ECTOS projects. Using this approach the object of the study is to support activities to further improve the safety performance of future larger refuelling stations. This will again help to inform the authorities and the public to achieve a proper public awareness and to support building up a realistic risk and safety perception of the safety on such future refuelling stations. In the second step the hazardous events that may take place and the barriers installed to stop hazards and their escalation are analysed also using in-house developed software to model the barriers and to quantify their performance. The paper will present an overview and discuss the state-of-the-art of the barriers established in the generic refuelling station.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Denmark ; Norway

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