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Examining the Nature of Two-dimensional Transverse Waves in Marginal Hydrogen Detonations using Boundary Layer Loss Modeling with Detailed Chemistry


Historically, it has been a challenge to simulate the experimentally observed cellular structures and marginal behavior of multidimensional hydrogen-oxygen detonations in the presence of losses, even with detailed chemistry models. Very recently, a quasi-two-dimensional inviscid approach was pursued where losses due to viscous boundary layers were modeled by the inclusion of an equivalent mass divergence in the lateral direction using Fay’s source term formulation with Mirels’ compressible boundary layer solutions. The same approach was used for this study along with the inclusion of thermally perfect detailed chemistry in order to capture the correct ignition sensitivity of the gas to dynamic changes in the thermodynamic state behind the detonation front. In addition, the strength of transverse waves and their impact on the detonation front was investigated. Here, the detailed San Diego mechanism was applied and it has been found that the detonation cell sizes can be accurately predicted without the need to prescribe specific parameters for the combustion model. For marginal cases, where the detonation waves approach their failure limit, quasi-stable mode behavior was observed where the number of transverse waves monotonically decreased to a single strong wave over a long enough distance. The strong transverse waves were also found to be slightly weaker than the detonation front, indicating that they are not overdriven, in agreement with recent studies.

Funding source: "J.G. Smith also acknowledges support from the Office of Naval Research grant no. N00014-23-1-2048 for this work
Related subjects: Safety

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