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QRA of Hydrogen Vehicles in a Road Tunnel


Hydrogen energy is recognized by many European governments as an important part of the development to achieve a more sustainable energy infrastructure. Great efforts are spent to build up a hydrogen supply chain to support the increasing number of hydrogen-powered vehicles. Naturally, these vehicles will use the common traffic infrastructure. Thus, it has to be ensured these infrastructures are capable to withstand the hazards and associated risks that may arise from these new technologies. In order to have an appropriate assessment tool for hydrogen vehicles transport through tunnels a new QRA methodology is developed and presented here. In Europe, the PIARC is a very common approach. It is therefore chosen as a starting point for the new methodology. It provides data on traffic statistics, accident frequencies, tunnel geometries including certain prevention and protection measures. This approach is enhanced by allowing better identification of hazards and their respective sources for hydrogen vehicles. A detailed analysis of the accident scenarios that are unique for hydrogen vehicles hereunder the initiating events, severity of collision types that may result in a release of hydrogen gas in a tunnel and the location of such an accident are included. QRA enables the assessment and evaluation of scenarios involving external fires or vehicles that burst into fire because of an accident or other fire sources. Event Tree Analysis is the technique used to estimate the event frequencies. The consequence analysis includes the hazards from blast waves, hydrogen jet fires, DDT.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Denmark ; Germany ; Italy

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