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ISO 19880-1, Hydrogen Fueling Station and Vehicle Interface Safety Technical Report


Hydrogen Infrastructures are currently being built up to support the initial commercialization of the fuel cell vehicle by multiple automakers. Three primary markets are presently coordinating a large build up of hydrogen stations: Japan; USA; and Europe to support this. Hydrogen Fuelling Station General Safety and Performance Considerations are important to establish before a wide scale infrastructure is established.
This document introduces the ISO Technical Report 19880-1 and summarizes main elements of the proposed standard. Note: this ICHS paper is based on the draft TR 19880 and is subject to change when the document is published in 2015. International Standards Organisation (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 197, Working Group (WG) 24, has been tasked with the preparation of the ISO standard 19880-1, to define the minimum requirements considered applicable worldwide for the hydrogen and electrical safety of hydrogen stations. This report includes safety considerations for hydrogen station equipment and components, control systems and operation. The following systems are covered specifically in the document as shown in Figure 1:

  • H2 production / supply delivery system
  • Compression
  • Gaseous hydrogen buffer storage;
  • Pre-cooling device;
  • Gaseous hydrogen dispensers.
  • Hydrogen Fuelling, Vehicle Interface
The draft TR 19880-1 (and current plan for the standard) also gives guidance for the fueling validation with safety considerations relevant to the interaction between the hydrogen station and hydrogen road vehicles (during fuelling).. Through a cross-industry risk assessment carried out between OEMs, Hydrogen Suppliers and existing vehicle fuelling station providers & operators (e.g. oil and industrial gas companies) the hydrogen fueling protocol SAE J2601 and associated dispenser hardware was evaluated."

Related subjects: Safety

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ISO 19880-1, hydrogen fuelling station and vehicle interface safety technical report

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