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Numerical Investigation on the Self-ignition Behavior of High Pressure Hydrogen Released from the Tube


This paper shows the numerical investigation on the self-ignition behavior of high pressure hydrogen released from the tube. The present study aims to clarify the effect of parameters on the behavior and duration of self-ignition outside the tube using two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical simulation with detailed chemistry. The parameters in this study are release pressure, tube diameter and tube length. The strength of the spherical shock wave to keep chemical reaction and expansion are important factors for self ignited hydrogen jet to be sustained outside the tube. The trend of strength of spherical shock wave is enhanced by higher release pressure and larger tube diameter. The chemical reaction weakens due to expansion and the degree of expansion becomes larger as the spherical shock wave propagates. The characteristic time for the chemical reaction becomes shorter in higher release pressure, larger tube diameter and longer tube diameter cases from the induction time under constant volume assumption. The self ignited hydrogen jet released from the tube is sustained up to the distance where the characteristic time for chemical reaction is shorter than the characteristic time for the flow to expand, and higher release pressure, larger tube diameter and longer tube length expand the distance where the tip flame can propagate downstream. For the seed flame which is the key for jet fire, the larger amount of the ignited volume when the shock wave reaches the tube exit contributes to the formation and stability of the seed flame. The amount of the ignited volume tends to be larger in the longer tube length, higher release pressure and larger tube diameter cases.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Japan

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Numerical investigation on the self-ignition behaviour of high pressure hydrogen released from the tube

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