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Development of a Generalized Integral Jet Model


Integral type models to describe stationary plumes and jets in cross-flows (wind) have been developed since about 1970. These models are widely used for risk analysis, to describe the consequences of many different scenarios. Alternatively, CFD codes are being applied, but computational requirements still limit the number of scenarios that can be dealt with using CFD only. The integral models, however, are not suited to handle transient releases, such as releases from pressurized equipment, where the initially high release rate decreases rapidly with time. Further, on gas ignition, a second model is needed to describe the rapid combustion of the flammable part of the plume (flash fire) and a third model has to be applied for the remaining jet fire. The objective of this paper is to describe the first steps of the development of an integral-type model describing the transient development and decay of a jet of flammable gas after a release from a pressure container. The intention is to transfer the stationary models to a fully transient model, capable to predict the maximum extension of short-duration, high pressure jets. The model development is supported by conducting a set of transient ignited and unignited spontaneous releases at initial pressures between 25bar and 400bar. These data forms the basis for the presented model development approach.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Denmark ; Germany

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