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A New Approach to Vented Deflagration Modeling


In the present work, CFD simulations of a hydrogen deflagration experiment are performed. The experiment, carried out by KIT, was conducted in a 1 m3 enclosure with a square vent of 0.5 m2 located in the center of one of its walls. The enclosure was filled with homogeneous hydrogen-air mixture of 18% v/v before ignition at its back-wall. As the flame propagates away from the ignition point, unburned mixture is forced out through the vent. This mixture is ignited when the flame passes through the vent, initiating a violent external explosion which leads to a rapid increase in pressure. The work focuses on the modeling of the external explosion phenomenon. A new approach is proposed in order to predict with accuracy the strength of external explosions using Large Eddy Simulation. The new approach introduces new relations to account for the interaction between the turbulence and the flame front. CFD predictions of the pressure inside and outside the enclosure and of the flame front shape are compared against experimental measurements. The comparison indicates a much better performance of the new approach compared to the initial model.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Greece

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