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Highly Resolved Large Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Hydrogen Jets – Evaluation of ADREA-HF Code Against Detailed Experiments


The main objective of this work is the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of hydrogen subsonic jets in order to evaluate modelling strategies and to provide guidelines for similar simulations. The ADREAHF code and the experiments conducted by Sandia National Laboratories are used for that purpose. These experiments are particularly ideal for LES studies because turbulent fluctuations have been measured which is something rare in hydrogen experiments. Hydrogen is released vertically from a small orifice of 1.91 mm diameter into an unconfined stagnant environment. Three experimental cases are simulated with different inlet velocity (49.7, 76.0 and 133.9 m/s) which corresponds to transitional or turbulent flows. Hydrogen mass fraction and velocity mean values and fluctuations are compared against the experimental data. The Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model is mainly used. In the 49.7 m/s case, the RNG LES is also evaluated. Several grid resolutions are used to assess the effect on the results. The amount of the resolved by the LES turbulence and velocity spectra are presented. Finally, the effect of the release modelling is discussed.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Greece

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Highly resolved Large Eddy Simulation of subsonic hydrogen jets - Evaluation of ADREA-HF code against detailed experiments

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