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Clean Growth- Transforming Heating Overview of Current Evidence


Government has reviewed the evidence base on options for achieving long term heat decarbonisation. This report provides an overview of the key issues arising from our review and seeks to:

  • highlight the different characteristics of the main alternative sources of low carbon heat and the approaches to achieving transformational change
  • set out strategically important issues, ‘strategic inferences’, which we have drawn from the evidence available to help focus the development of our long term policy framework
  • identify areas that require further exploration to inform the development of a new long term policy framework for heat
The review confirmed we need:
  • better understanding of the different options available for decarbonising heating
  • a clearer common agenda across industry, academia and the public sector to ensure effort and resources are effectively and efficiently applied to long term heat decarbonisation issues
We welcome your views on:
  • the strategic inferences identified
  • the priority areas requiring further development
  • any important omissions
  • the parties best placed to deliver in these areas
  • opportunities for enhancing co-ordination

Countries: United Kingdom

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