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Energy Innovation Needs Assessment: Road Transport


The Energy Innovation Needs Assessment (EINA) aims to identify the key innovation needs across the UK’s energy system, to inform the prioritisation of public sector investment in low-carbon innovation. Using an analytical methodology developed by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the EINA takes a system level approach, and values innovations in a technology in terms of the system-level benefits a technology innovation provides. This whole system modelling in line with BEIS’s EINA methodology was delivered by the Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) using the Energy System Modelling Environment (ESMETM) as the primary modelling tool.

To support the overall prioritisation of innovation activity, the EINA process analyses key technologies in more detail. These technologies are grouped together into sub-themes, according to the primary role they fulfil in the energy system. For key technologies within a sub-theme, innovations and business opportunities are identified. The main findings, at the technology level, are summarised in sub-theme reports. An overview report will combine the findings from each sub-theme to provide a broad system-level perspective and prioritisation.

This EINA analysis is based on a combination of desk research by a consortium of economic and engineering consultants, and stakeholder engagement. The prioritisation of innovation and business opportunities presented is informed by a workshop organised for each sub-theme, assembling key stakeholders from the academic community, industry, and government.

This report was commissioned prior to advice being received from the CCC on meeting a net zero target and reflects priorities to meet the previous 80% target in 2050. The newly legislated net zero target is not expected to change the set of innovation priorities, rather it will make them all more valuable overall. Further work is required to assess detailed implications.

Funding source: UK Government
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United Kingdom

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