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Leakage-type-based Analysis of Accidents Involving Hydrogen Fueling Stations in Japan and USA


To identify the safety issues associated with hydrogen fuelling stations, incidents at such stations in Japan and the USA were analyzed considering the regulations in these countries. Leakage due to the damage and fracture of main bodies of apparatuses and pipes in Japan and the USA is mainly caused by design error, that is, poorly planned fatigue. Considering the present incidents in these countries, adequate consideration of the usage environment in the design is very important. Leakage from flanges, valves, and seals in Japan is mainly caused by screw joints. If welded joints are to be used in hydrogen fuelling stations in Japan, strength data for welded parts should be obtained and pipe thicknesses should be reduced. Leakage due to other factors, e.g., external impact, in Japan and the USA is mainly caused by human error. To realize self-serviced hydrogen fuelling stations, safety measures should be developed to prevent human error by fuel cell vehicle users.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways ; Safety
Countries: Japan

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