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Large-eddy Simulation of Tri-fuel Combustion: Diesel Spray Assisted Ignition of Methanol-hydrogen Blends


Development of marine engines could largely benefit from the broader usage of methanol and hydrogen which are both potential energy carriers. Here, numerical results are presented on tri-fuel (TF) ignition using large-eddy simulation (LES) and finite-rate chemistry. Zero-dimensional (0D) and three-dimensional (3D) simulations for n-dodecane spray ignition of methanol/hydrogen blends are performed. 0D results reveal the beneficial role of hydrogen addition in facilitating methanol ignition. Based on LES, the following findings are reported: 1) Hydrogen promotes TF ignition, significantly for molar blending ratios βX = [H2]/([H2]+[CH3OH]) ≥0.8. 2) For βX = 0, unfavorable heat generation in ambient methanol is noted. We provide evidence that excessive hydrogen enrichment (βX ≥ 0.94) potentially avoids this behavior, consistent with 0D results. 3) Ignition delay time is advanced by 23–26% with shorter spray vapor penetrations (10–15%) through hydrogen mass blending ratios 0.25/0.5/1.0. 4) Last, adding hydrogen increases shares of lower and higher temperature chemistry modes to total heat release.

Funding source: Academy of Finland [grant numbers 318024 and 332784]. The first author acknowledges financial support from Merenkulun s€a€ati€o.
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Finland

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