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Explaining Hydrogen Energy Technology Acceptance: A Critical Review


The use of hydrogen energy and the associated technologies is expected to increase in the coming years. The success of hydrogen energy technology (HET) is, however, dependent on public acceptance of the technology. Developing this new industry in a socially responsible way will require an understanding of the psychology factors that may facilitate or impede its public acceptance. This paper reviews 27 quantitative studies that have explored the relationship between psychological factors and HET acceptance. The findings from the review suggest that the perceived effects of the technology (i.e., the perceived benefits, costs and risks), and the associated emotions, are strong drivers of HET acceptance. This paper does, though, highlight some limitations with past research that make it difficult to make strong conclusions about the factors that influence HET acceptance. The review also reveals that few studies have investigated acceptance of different types of HET beyond a couple of applications. The paper ends with a discussion about directions for future research and highlights some practical implications for messaging and policy.

Funding source: Responsible Innovation and Hydrogen Energy Systems Future Science Platforms (CSIRO)
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Australia

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