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The Hydrogen Bike: Communicating the Production and Safety of Green Hydrogen


As the international community aims to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, green hydrogen has great potential to replace methane as a clean source of fuel. A novel public engagement activity, The Hydrogen Bike, has been developed to demonstrate the production and use of green hydrogen from water. The aim of the activity is to educate, entertain and inform young people and adults so that they have an opportunity to form an opinion about the use of hydrogen as a fuel. Using a novel two-part data collection system participants are briefly surveyed for their opinion on hydrogen before and after participating in The Hydrogen Bike activity. Through this we have found that most participants (73%) are considered to have no opinion or a neutral opinion on hydrogen before participating in The Hydrogen Bike activity. After participation 88% of those who were originally neutral or had no opinion on hydrogen self-reported a positive feeling about hydrogen. The method of data collection was quick, intuitive and suitable for an audience attracted from passing footfall.

Funding source: The Hydrogen Bike has benefited from support from a number of projects. The Royal Society of Chemistry provided the team with a £2000 grant to improve the display and sponsored the exhibit at the Big Bang Fair 2019, while the FLEXIS project has sponsored other improvements to the set-up. KG and JAR acknowledge funding from the RICE project. DRJ acknowledges funding from the FLEXIS project. Both RICE and FLEXIS have been part-funded by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government (Grant numbers 81435 and 80835 respectively). MEAW acknowledges the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No 663830. WJFG PhD is funded by a Zienkiewicz Scholarship
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United Kingdom

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