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Identifying Informed Beliefs about Hydrogen Technologies Across the Energy Supply Chain


Developing a thriving hydrogen industry will depend on public and community support. Past research, mainly focusing on the acceptance of hydrogen fuelling stations and cars, suggests that people generally support hydrogen energy technology (HET). Few studies have, however, considered how people think about other components of the hydrogen supply chain (i.e., technologies required to make, store, transport and use hydrogen). Moreover, there has been limited research investigating how people interpret and develop beliefs about HET after being presented with technical information. This paper attempts to address these research gaps by presenting the findings from four face-to-face focus group discussions conducted in Australia. The findings suggest that people have differing views about HET, which depends on the type of technology, and these views influence levels of support. The study also revealed concerns about a range of other factors that have yet to be considered in hydrogen acceptance research (e.g., perceived water use, efficiency and indirect benefits). The findings highlight the value of qualitative research for identifying salient beliefs that shape attitudes towards HET and provide recommendations for future research and how to effectively communicate with the public and communities about an emerging hydrogen industry.

Funding source: We would like to thank CSIRO's Responsible Innovation and Hydrogen Energy Systems Future Science Platforms for funding this research.
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Australia

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