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The Path to Net Zero and Progress on Reducing Emissions in Wales


These two joint reports, required under the Environment (Wales) Act 2016, provide ministers with advice on Wales’ climate targets between now and 2050, and assess progress on reducing emissions to date. Our advice to the Welsh Government is set out in two parts:
Advice Report: The path to a Net Zero Wales provides recommendations on the actions that are needed in Wales, including the legislation of a Net Zero target and package of policies to deliver it.
Progress Report: Reducing emissions in Wales looks back at the progress made in Wales since the 2016 Environment (Wales) Act was passed, and assesses whether Wales is on track to meet its currently legislated emissions reductions targets.
This work is based on an extensive programme of analysis, consultation and consideration by the Committee and its staff, building on the evidence published last year for our Net Zero report. It is compatible with our advice on the UK’s Sixth Carbon Budget. In support of the advice in this report, we have also published:

  • All the charts and data behind the report, as well as a separate dataset for the scenarios, which sets out more details and data on the pathways than can be included in this report.
  • A public Call for Evidence, several new research projects, three expert advisory groups and deep dives into the roles of local authorities and businesses.

Countries: United Kingdom

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