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Gas Future Scenarios Project- Final Report: A Report on a Study for the Energy Networks Association Gas Futures Group


When looking out to 2050 there is huge uncertainty surrounding how gas will be consumed, transported and sourced in Great Britain (GB). The extent of the climate change challenge is now widely accepted, and the UK Government has introduced a legislative requirement for aggressive reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions out to 2050. In addition, at European Union (EU) level a package of measures has been implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and significantly increase the share of energy produced from renewable sources by 2020. These policy developments naturally raise the question of what role gas has to play in the future energy mix.

To help inform this debate, the Energy Networks Association Gas Futures Group (ENA GFG) commissioned Redpoint and Trilemma to undertake a long-range scenario-based modelling study of the future utilisation of gas out to 2050, and the consequential impacts of this for gas networks. Our modelling assumptions draw heavily on the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) 2050 Pathways analysis, and we consider that our conclusions are fully compatible with both DECC‟s work and current EU policy objectives.

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Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United Kingdom

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