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Gas Goes Green: Delivering the Pathway to Net Zero


Gas Goes Green brings together the engineering expertise from the UK’s five gas network operators, building on the foundations of our existing grid infrastructure, innovation projects and the wider scientific community. This is a blueprint to meet the challenges and opportunities of climate change, delivering net zero in the most cost effective and least disruptive way possible.
Delivering our vision is not just an engineering challenge but will involve active participation from policy makers, regulators, the energy industry and consumers. Gas Goes Green will undertake extensive engagement to deliver our programme and collaborate with existing projects already being delivered across the country.
Britain’s extensive gas network infrastructure provides businesses and the public with the energy they need, at the times when they need it the most. The gas we deliver plays a critical role in our everyday lives, generating electricity, fuelling vehicles, heating our homes and providing the significant amounts of energy UK heavy industry needs. The Gas Goes Green programme aims to ensure that consumers continue to realise these benefits by transitioning our infrastructure into a net zero energy system.

Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United Kingdom

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