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f HyDeploy2: Materials Summary and Interpretation


During the exemption application process the original report was evaluated as part of a regulatory review and responses to questions submitted for further consideration. These have been addressed in this revised version (revision 1) in the form of an addendum. The addendum includes the question raised, its number and the response to it. The area of the main body of the report to which each question and response refers is indicated by square brackets and the addendum number e.g. [A1].
Through analysis of the literature and results of the practical testing, the susceptibility of materials present in the Winlaton trial site to hydrogen degradation has been assessed, with consideration of the Winlaton operating conditions (up to 20% H2 at total blend pressures of 20 mbar – 2 bar). The aim of this report has been to determine whether there are any components, which have been identified at the Winlaton trial site, which could have a significantly increased risk of failure due to their exposure to hydrogen during the one year trial. Where possible, direct supporting data has been used to make assessments on the likelihood of failure; in other cases, the assessment was aided by collaborative expert opinion in the fields of mechanical engineering, materials science and the domestic gas industry.
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Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: United Kingdom

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