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Future Electricity Series Part 1 - Power from Fossil Fuels


Power from Fossil Fuels analyses the role of coal and gas power generation in the UK's future power generation mix. It is the first of three reports in Carbon Connect's 2013 research inquiry, the Future Electricity Series, which examines what role fossil fuels, renewables and nuclear can play in providing secure, sustainable and affordable electricity in the UK. The report finds that significantly decarbonising the power sector by 2030 will prove the most successful strategy on energy sustainability, security and affordability grounds, and that switching the UK’s reliance on coal to gas generation - while using fossil fuel power stations increasingly for backup purposes -  will be the most viable method of achieving this.  The independent report, chaired by former energy minister Charles Hendry MP and Opposition Energy and Climate Change Spokesperson in the House of Lords Baroness Worthington, was compiled between January and April 2013 and received contributions from over 30 experts in academia, industry, Parliament and Government, and was launched in Parliament on the 22nd April 2013.  This independent inquiry was sponsored by the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers

Funding source: IGEM
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United Kingdom

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Future Electricity Series Part 2 - Power from Renewables

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