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CFD Analysis of Delayed Ignition Hydrogen Releases from a Train Inside a Tunnel


In the present work, we present the results of numerical simulations involving the dispersion and combustion of a hydrogen cloud released in an empty tunnel. The simulations were conducted with the use of ADREA-HF CFD code and the results are compared with measurements from experiments conducted by HSE in a tunnel with the exact same geometry. The length of the tunnel is equal to 70 m and the maximum height from the floor is equal to 3.25 m. Hydrogen release is considered to occur from a train containing pressurized hydrogen stored at 580 bars. The release diameter is equal to 4.7 mm and the release direction is upwards. Initially, dispersion simulation was performed in order to define the initial conditions for the deflagration simulations. The effect of the initial wind speed and the effect of the ignition delay time were investigated. An extensive grid sensitivity study was conducted in order to achieve grid independent results. The CFD model takes into account the flame instabilities that are developed as the flame propagates inside the tunnel and turbulence that exists in front of the flame front. Pressure predictions are compared against experimental measurements revealing a very good performance of the CFD model.

Funding source: "The research leading to these results was financially supported by the HyTunnel-CS which has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 826193. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe research."
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Greece ; United Kingdom

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