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Case Study: Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Blended Natural Gas for an Existing Distribution Network and End-use Equipment in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta


In a first-of-its-kind project for Alberta, ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. (ATCO) began delivering a 5% blend of hydrogen (H2) in natural gas into a subsection of the existing Fort Saskatchewan natural gas distribution system (approximately 2,100 customers). The project was commissioned in October 2022 with the intention of increasing the blend to 20% H₂ in 2023. As part of project due diligence, ATCO, in partnership with DNV, undertook Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) to understand any risks associated with the introduction of blended gas into its existing distribution system and to its customers. This paper describes key findings from the QRAs, through the comparison of risks associated with H2 blended natural gas at concentrations of 5% and 20% H₂ and the current natural gas configuration. The impact of operating pressure and hydrogen blend composition formed a sensitivity study completed as part of this work. To provide context and to help interpret the results, an individual risk (IR) level of 1 × 10-6 per year was utilised as a reference threshold for the limit of the ‘broadly acceptable’ risk level and juxtaposed against comparable risk scenarios. Although adding hydrogen increases the IR of ignited releases from mains, services, meters, regulators and end user appliances, the ignited release IR was always well below the broadly acceptable reference criterion for all operating pressures and blend cases considered as part of the project. The IR associated with carbon monoxide poisoning dominates the overall IR and the results demonstrate that the reduction in carbon monoxide poisoning associated with the introduction of H₂ blended natural gas negates any incremental risk associated with ignited releases due to H₂ blended gas. The paper also explains how the results of the QRA were incorporated into Engineering Assessments as per the requirements of CSA Z662:19 [1] to justify the conversion of existing natural gas infrastructure to H₂ blended gas infrastructure.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Canada ; United Kingdom

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