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Enhancing Safety of Liquid and Vaporised Hydrogen Transfer Technologies in Public Areas for Mobile Applications


International standards related to cryogenic hydrogen transferring technologies for mobile applications (filling of trucks, ships, stationary tanks) are missing, and there is lack of experience. The European project ELVHYS (Enhancing safety of liquid and vaporized hydrogen transfer technologies in public areas for mobile applications) aims to provide indications on inherently safer and efficient cryogenic hydrogen technologies and protocols in mobile applications by proposing innovative safety strategies which are the results of a detailed risk analysis. This is carried out by applying an inter-disciplinary approach to study both the cryogenic hydrogen transferring procedures and the phenomena that may arise from the loss of containment of a piece of equipment containing hydrogen. ELVHYS will provide critical inputs for the development of international standards by creating inherently safer and optimized procedures and guidelines for cryogenic hydrogen transferring technologies, thus increasing their safety level and efficiency. The aim of this paper is twofold: present the state of the art of liquid hydrogen transfer technologies by focusing on previous research projects such as PRESLHY, and introduce the objectives and methods planned in the new EU project ELVHYS.

Funding source: "This work was undertaken as part of the ELVHYS project No. 101101381 supported by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its members. UK participants in Horizon Europe Project ELVHYS are supported by UKRI grant numbers 10063519 (University of Ulster) and 10070592 (Health and Safety Executive). Funded by the European Union."
Keywords: Liquid Hydrogen
Related subjects: Safety

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