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Status of the Pre-normative Research Project PRESLHY for the Safe Use of LH2


Liquid hydrogen (LH2) compared to compressed gaseous hydrogen offers advantages for large scale transport and storage of hydrogen with higher densities and potentially better safety performance. Although the gas industry has good experience with LH2 only little experience is available for the new applications of LH2 as an energy carrier. Therefore, the European FCH JU funded project PRESLHY conducts pre-normative research for the safe use of cryogenic LH2 in non-industrial settings. The work program consists of a preparatory phase, where the state of the art before the project has been summarized and where the experimental planning was adjusted to the outcome of a research priorities workshop. The central part of the project consists of 3 phenomena oriented work packages addressing Release, Ignition and Combustion with analytical approaches, experiments and simulations. The results shall improve the general understanding of the behavior of LH2 in accidents and thereby enhance the state-of-the-art, what will be reflected in appropriate recommendations for development or revision of specific international standards. The paper presents the status of the project at the middle of its terms.

Related subjects: Safety

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Status of the pre-normative research project PRESLHY for the safe use of LH2

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