United Arab Emirates
Prospects of Fuel Cell Combined Heat and Power Systems
Aug 2020
Combined heat and power (CHP) in a single and integrated device is concurrent or synchronized production of many sources of usable power typically electric as well as thermal. Integrating combined heat and power systems in today’s energy market will address energy scarcity global warming as well as energy-saving problems. This review highlights the system design for fuel cell CHP technologies. Key among the components discussed was the type of fuel cell stack capable of generating the maximum performance of the entire system. The type of fuel processor used was also noted to influence the systemic performance coupled with its longevity. Other components equally discussed was the power electronics. The thermal and water management was also noted to have an effect on the overall efficiency of the system. Carbon dioxide emission reduction reduction of electricity cost and grid independence were some notable advantages associated with fueling cell combined heat and power systems. Despite these merits the high initial capital cost is a key factor impeding its commercialization. It is therefore imperative that future research activities are geared towards the development of novel and cheap materials for the development of the fuel cell which will transcend into a total reduction of the entire system. Similarly robust systemic designs should equally be an active research direction. Other types of fuel aside hydrogen should equally be explored. Proper risk assessment strategies and documentation will similarly expand and accelerate the commercialization of this novel technology. Finally public sensitization of the technology will also make its acceptance and possible competition with existing forms of energy generation feasible. The work in summary showed that proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEM fuel cell) operated at a lower temperature-oriented cogeneration has good efficiency and is very reliable. The critical issue pertaining to these systems has to do with the complication associated with water treatment. This implies that the balance of the plant would be significantly affected; likewise the purity of the gas is crucial in the performance of the system. An alternative to these systems is the PEM fuel cell systems operated at higher temperatures.
Hydrogen Energy as Future of Sustainable Mobility
May 2022
Conventional fuels for vehicular applications generate hazardous pollutants which have an adverse effect on the environment. Therefore there is a high demand to shift towards environment-friendly vehicles for the present mobility sector. This paper highlights sustainable mobility and specifically sustainable transportation as a solution to reduce GHG emissions. Thus hydrogen fuel-based vehicular technologies have started blooming and have gained significance following the zero-emission policy focusing on various types of sustainable motilities and their limitations. Serving an incredible deliverance of energy by hydrogen fuel combustion engines hydrogen can revolution various transportation sectors. In this study the aspects of hydrogen as a fuel for sustainable mobility sectors have been investigated. In order to reduce the GHG (Green House Gas) emission from fossil fuel vehicles researchers have paid their focus for research and development on hydrogen fuel vehicles and proton exchange fuel cells. Also its development and progress in all mobility sectors in various countries have been scrutinized to measure the feasibility of sustainable mobility as a future. This paper is an inclusive review of hydrogen-based mobility in various sectors of transportation in particular fuel cell cars that provides information on various technologies adapted with time to add more towards perfection. When compared to electric vehicles with a 200-mile range fuel cell cars have a lower driving cost in all of the 2035 and 2050 scenarios. To stimulate the use of hydrogen as a passenger automobile fuel the cost of a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (FCV) must be brought down to at least the same level as an electric vehicle. Compared to gasoline cars fuel cell vehicles use 43% less energy and generate 40% less CO2.
Transition to Low-Carbon Hydrogen Energy System in the UAE: Sector Efficiency and Hydrogen Energy Production Efficiency Analysis
Sep 2022
To provide an effective energy transition hydrogen is required to decarbonize the hard-toabate industries. As a case study this paper provides a holistic view of the hydrogen energy transition in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). By utilizing the directional distance function undesirable data envelopment analysis model the energy economic and environmental efficiency of UAE sectors are estimated from 2001 to 2020 to prioritize hydrogen sector coupling. Green hydrogen production efficiency is analyzed from 2020 to 2050. The UAE should prioritize the industry and transportation sectors with average efficiency scores of 0.7 and 0.74. The decomposition of efficiency into pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency suggests policies and strategies should target upscaling the UAE’s low-carbon hydrogen production capacity to expedite short-term and overall production efficiency. The findings of this study can guide strategies and policies for the UAE’s low-carbon hydrogen transition. A framework is developed based on the findings of the study.
Review on the Safe Use of Ammonia Fuel Cells in the Maritime Industry
May 2021
In April 2018 the International Maritime Organisation adopted an ambitious plan to contribute to the global efforts to reduce the Greenhouse Gas emissions as set by the Paris Agreement by targeting a 50% reduction in shipping’s Green House Gas emissions by 2050 benchmarked to 2008 levels. To meet these challenging goals the maritime industry must introduce environmentally friendly fuels with negligible or low SOX NOX and CO2 emissions. Ammonia use in maritime applications is considered promising due to its high energy density low flammability easy storage and low production cost. Moreover ammonia can be used as fuel in a variety of propulsors such as fuel cells and can be produced from renewable sources. As a result ammonia can be used as a versatile marine fuel exploiting the existing infrastructure and having zero SOX and CO2 emissions. However there are several challenges to overcome for ammonia to become a compelling fuel towards the decarbonisation of shipping. Such factors include the selection of the appropriate ammonia-fuelled power generator the selection of the appropriate system safety assessment tool and mitigating measures to address the hazards of ammonia. This paper discusses the state-of-the-art of ammonia fuelled fuel cells for marine applications and presents their potential and challenges.
Effect of Bipolar Plate Material on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Performance
Mar 2022
Commercialization of proton exchange membrane fuel cells can only materials provided its performance is closely related to existing technologies useful in commercial application. Other critical parameters like the utilization of cheaper materials should be taken into account during the manufacturing of the cell. A key component in the cell that has direct correlation to the cell perfor‐ mance is the flow plate. The weight coupled with cost of the cell revolves around the flow plate used in the manufacturing of the cell. This study explores materials ideal for the manufacturing of fuel cells in order to improve the overall cell performance. The investigation highlights the critical impact of varying materials used in the manufacturing of flow plates for PEM fuel cells. Stainless steel (SS) aluminium (Al) and copper (Cu) were the materials considered. The flow plate designs considered were serpentine and open pore cellular foam channel. Machine learning using python for the validation of the results with Linear regression Ridge regression and Polynomial regression algorithm was carried out. The performance of both flow field channels was compared using dif‐ ferent bipolar plate materials. The results show that metal foam flow channels overall performance was better than serpentine flow channels with all the various bipolar plate material used and Al material outperformed Cu and SS material. There is a direct correlation in terms of the outcome of the study and literature based on the data generated experimentally. It can however be concluded that molecules of hydrogen are stable on aluminium plates compared to copper and stainless steel
Maximizing Green Hydrogen Production from Water Electrocatalysis: Modeling and Optimization
Mar 2023
The use of green hydrogen as a fuel source for marine applications has the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the industry. The development of a sustainable and cost-effective method for producing green hydrogen has gained a lot of attention. Water electrolysis is the best and most environmentally friendly method for producing green hydrogen-based renewable energy. Therefore identifying the ideal operating parameters of the water electrolysis process is critical to hydrogen production. Three controlling factors must be appropriately identified to boost hydrogen generation namely electrolysis time (min) electric voltage (V) and catalyst amount (µg). The proposed methodology contains the following two phases: modeling and optimization. Initially a robust model of the water electrolysis process in terms of controlling factors was established using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based on the experimental dataset. After that a modern pelican optimization algorithm (POA) was employed to identify the ideal parameters of electrolysis duration electric voltage and catalyst amount to enhance hydrogen production. Compared to the measured datasets and response surface methodology (RSM) the integration of ANFIS and POA improved the generated hydrogen by around 1.3% and 1.7% respectively. Overall this study highlights the potential of ANFIS modeling and optimal parameter identification in optimizing the performance of solar-powered water electrocatalysis systems for green hydrogen production in marine applications. This research could pave the way for the more widespread adoption of this technology in the marine industry which would help to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and promote sustainability.
Green Hydrogen as a Clean Energy Resource and Its Applications as an Engine Fuel
Jan 2024
The world’s economy heavily depends on the energy resources used by various countries. India is one of the promising developing nations with very low crude reserves actively looking for new renewable energy resources to power its economy. Higher energy consumption and environmental pollution are two big global challenges for our sustainable development. The world is currently facing a dual problem of an energy crisis as well as environmental degradation. So there is a strong need to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. This can be achieved to a great extent by universally adopting clean fuels for all daily life uses like ethanol or liquified natural gas (LNG) as these burn very clean and do not emit many pollutants. Nowadays green hydrogen has emerged as a new clean energy source which is abundantly available and does not pollute much. This article explores the various benefits of green hydrogen with respect to fossil fuels various techniques of producing it and its possible use in different sectors such as industry transport and aviation as well as in day-to-day life. Finally it explores the use of green hydrogen as fuel in automobile engines its blending with CNG gas and its benefits in reducing emissions compared to fossil fuels. On combustion green hydrogen produces only water vapours and is thus a highly clean fuel. Thus it can potentially help humanity preserve the environment due to its ultra-low emissions and can be a consistent and reliable source of energy for generations to come thereby ending the clean energy security debate forever.
Optimized Design and Control of an Off Grid solar PV/hydrogen Fuel Cell Power System for Green Buildings
Sep 2017
Modelling simulation optimization and control strategies are used in this study to design a stand-alone solar PV/Fuel Cell/Battery/Generator hybrid power system to serve the electrical load of a commercial building. The main objective is to design an off grid energy system to meet the desired electric load of the commercial building with high renewable fraction low emissions and low cost of energy. The goal is to manage the energy consumption of the building reduce the associate cost and to switch from grid-tied fossil fuel power system to an off grid renewable and cleaner power system. Energy audit was performed in this study to determine the energy consumption of the building. Hourly simulations modelling and optimization were performed to determine the performance and cost of the hybrid power configurations using different control strategies. The results show that the hybrid off grid solar PV/Fuel Cell/Generator/Battery/Inverter power system offers the best performance for the tested system architectures. From the total energy generated from the off grid hybrid power system 73% is produced from the solar PV 24% from the fuel cell and 3% from the backup Diesel generator. The produced power is used to meet all the AC load of the building without power shortage (<0.1%). The hybrid power system produces 18.2% excess power that can be used to serve the thermal load of the building. The proposed hybrid power system is sustainable economically viable and environmentally friendly: High renewable fraction (66.1%) low levelized cost of energy (92 $/MWh) and low carbon dioxide emissions (24 kg CO2/MWh) are achieved.
Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Islanded and Grid-connected Microgrids with Wind Generation and Hydrogen Energy Storage Systems
Aug 2023
This paper presents a novel energy management strategy (EMS) to control a wind-hydrogen microgrid which includes a wind turbine paired with a hydrogen-based energy storage system (HESS) i.e. hydrogen production storage and re-electrification facilities and a local load. This complies with the mini-grid use case as per the IEA-HIA Task 24 Final Report where three different use cases and configurations of wind farms paired with HESS are proposed in order to promote the integration of wind energy into the grid. Hydrogen production surpluses by wind generation are stored and used to provide a demand-side management solution for energy supply to the local and contractual loads both in the grid-islanded and connected modes with corresponding different control objectives. The EMS is based on a hierarchical model predictive control (MPC) in which long-term and short-term operations are addressed. The long-term operations are managed by a high-level MPC in which power production by wind generation and load demand forecasts are considered in combination with day-ahead market participation. Accordingly the hydrogen production and re-electrification are scheduled so as to jointly track the load demand maximize the revenue through electricity market participation and minimize the HESS operating costs. Instead the management of the short-term operations is entrusted to a low-level MPC which compensates for any deviations of the actual conditions from the forecasts and refines the power production so as to address the real-time market participation and the short time-scale equipment dynamics and constraints. Both levels also take into account operation requirements and devices’ operating ranges through appropriate constraints. The mathematical modeling relies on the mixed-logic dynamic (MLD) framework so that the various logic states and corresponding continuous dynamics of the HESS are considered. This results in a mixed-integer linear program which is solved numerically. The effectiveness of the controller is analyzed by simulations which are carried out using wind forecasts and spot prices of a wind farm in center-south of Italy.
Accurate Predictions of the Effect of Hydrogen Composition on the Thermodynamics and Transport Properties of Natural Gas
Mar 2024
This work demonstrates the need for accurate thermodynamic models to reliably quantify changes in the thermophysical properties of natural gas when blended with hydrogen. For this purpose a systematic evaluation was carried out on the predictive accuracy of three well-known models the Peng−Robinson equation of state (EoS) the multiparameter empirical GERG-2008 model and the molecular-based polar softSAFT EoS in describing the thermodynamic behavior of mixtures of hydrogen with commonly found components in natural gas. Deviations between the calculated properties and experimental data for phase equilibria critical loci second-order derivative properties and viscosities are used to determine the accuracy of the models with polar soft-SAFT performing either equally or better than the other two examined models. The evaluation for the effect of H2 content on the properties of methane simulated as natural gas at conditions for transportation reveals higher changes in blend density and speed of sound with increasing H2 content within 5% change per 5 mol % H2 added while viscosity is the least affected property changing by 0.4% for every 5 mol % H2.
Integrated Energy System Powered a Building in Sharjah Emirates in the United Arab Emirates
Jan 2023
In this study a green hydrogen system was studied to provide electricity for an office building in the Sharjah emirate in the United Arab Emirates. Using a solar PV a fuel cell a diesel generator and battery energy storage; a hybrid green hydrogen energy system was compared to a standard hybrid system (Solar PV a diesel generator and battery energy storage). The results show that both systems adequately provided the power needed for the load of the office building. The cost of the energy for both the basic and green hydrogen energy systems was 0.305 USD/kWh and 0.313 USD/kWh respectively. The cost of the energy for both systems is very similar even though the capital cost of the green hydrogen energy system was the highest value; however the replacement and operational costs of the basic system were higher in comparison to the green hydrogen energy system. Moreover the impact of the basic system in terms of the carbon footprint was more significant when compared with the green hydrogen system. The reduction in carbon dioxide was a 4.6 ratio when compared with the basic system.
Ultra-Cheap Renewable Energy as an Enabling Technology for Deep Industrial Decarbonization via Capture and Utilization of Process CO2 Emissions
Jul 2022
Rapidly declining costs of renewable energy technologies have made solar and wind the cheapest sources of energy in many parts of the world. This has been seen primarily as enabling the rapid decarbonization of the electricity sector but low-cost low-carbon energy can have a great secondary impact by reducing the costs of energy-intensive decarbonization efforts in other areas. In this study we consider by way of an exemplary carbon capture and utilization cycle based on mature technologies the energy requirements of the “industrial carbon cycle” an emerging paradigm in which industrial CO2 emissions are captured and reprocessed into chemicals and fuels and we assess the impact of declining renewable energy costs on overall economics of these processes. In our exemplary process CO2 is captured from a cement production facility via an amine scrubbing process and combined with hydrogen produced by a solar-powered polymer electrolyte membrane using electrolysis to produce methanol. We show that solar heat and electricity generation costs currently realized in the Middle East lead to a large reduction in the cost of this process relative to baseline assumptions found in published literature and extrapolation of current energy price trends into the near future would bring costs down to the level of current fossil-fuel-based processes.
Enhancement of Microgrid Frequency Stability Based on the Combined Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Power Technology under High Penetration Renewable Units
Apr 2023
Recently with the large-scale integration of renewable energy sources into microgrid (µGs) power electronics distributed energy systems have gained popularity. However low inertia reduces system frequency stability and anti-disturbance capabilities exposing power quality to intermittency and uncertainty in photovoltaics or wind turbines. To ensure system stability the virtual inertia control (VIC) is presented. This paper proposes two solutions to overcome the low inertia problem and the surplus in capacities resulting from renewable energy sources. The first solution employs superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) which can be deemed as an efficient solution for damping the frequency oscillations. Therefore in this work SMES that is managed by a simple proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID) controller is utilized to overcome the low inertia. In the second solution the hydrogen storage system is employed to maintain the stability of the microgrid by storing surplus power generated by renewable energy sources (RESs). Power-to-Power is a method of storing excess renewable energy as chemical energy in the form of hydrogen. Hydrogen can be utilized locally or delivered to a consumption node. The proposed µG operation demonstrates that the integration of the photovoltaics (PVs) wind turbines (WTs) diesel engine generator (DEG) electrolyzer micro gas turbine (µGT) and SMES is adequate to fulfill the load requirements under transient operating circumstances such as a low and high PV output power as well as to adapt to sudden changes in the load demand. The effectiveness of the proposed schemes is confirmed using real irradiance data (Benban City Egypt) using a MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.
Review of Hydrogen-Gasoline SI Dual Fuel Engines: Engine Performance and Emission
Mar 2023
Rapid depletion of conventional fossil fuels and increasing environmental concern are demanding an urgent carry out for research to find an alternate fuel which meets the fuel demand with minimum environmental impacts. Hydrogen is considered as one of the important fuel in the near future which meets the above alarming problems. Hydrogen–gasoline dual fuel engines use hydrogen as primary fuel and gasoline as secondary fuel. In this review paper the combustion performance emission and cyclic variation characteristics of a hydrogen–gasoline dual fuel engine have been critically analyzed. According to scientific literature hydrogen–gasoline dual fuel engines have a good thermal efficiency at low and partial loads but the performance deteriorates at high loads. Hydrogen direct injection with gasoline port fuel injection is the optimum configuration for dual fuel engine operating on hydrogen and gasoline. This configuration shows superior result in mitigating the abnormal combustion but experiences high NOx emission. Employing EGR showed a maximum reduction of 77.8% of NOx emission with a EGR flowrate of 18% further increment in flowrate leads to combustion instability. An overview on hydrogen production and carbon footprint related with hydrogen production is also included. This review paper aims to provide comprehensive findings from past works associated with hydrogen–gasoline dual fuel approach in a spark ignition engine
PEMFC Poly-Generation Systems: Developments, Merits, and Challenges
Oct 2021
Significant research efforts are directed towards finding new ways to reduce the cost increase efficiency and decrease the environmental impact of power-generation systems. The poly-generation concept is a promising strategy that enables the development of a sustainable power system. Over the past few years the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell-based Poly-Generation Systems (PEMFC-PGSs) have received accelerated developments due to the low-temperature operation high efficiency and low environmental impact. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the main PEMFC-PGSs including Combined Heat and Power (CHP) co-generation systems Combined Cooling and Power (CCP) co-generation systems Combined Cooling Heat and Power (CCHP) tri-generation systems and Combined Water and Power (CWP) co-generation systems. First the main technologies used in PEMFC-PGSs such as those related to hydrogen production energy storage and Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) etc. are detailed. Then the research progresses on the economic energy and environmental performance of the different PEMFC-PGSs are presented. Also the recent commercialization activities on these systems are highlighted focusing on the leading countries in this field. Furthermore the remaining economic and technical obstacles of these systems along with the future research directions to mitigate them are discussed. The review reveals the potential of the PEMFC-PGS in securing a sustainable future of the power systems. However many economic and technical issues particularly those related to high cost and degradation rate still need to be addressed before unlocking the full benefits of such systems.
Developments in Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Mar 2023
The rapid growth in fossil fuels has resulted in climate change that needs to be controlled in the near future. Several methods have been proposed to control climate change including the development of efficient energy conversion devices. Fuel cells are environmentally friendly energy conversion devices that can be fuelled by green hydrogen with only water as a by-product or by using different biofuels such as biomass in wastewater urea in wastewater biogas from municipal and agricultural wastes syngas from agriculture wastes and waste carbon. This editorial discusses the fundamentals of the operation of the fuel cell and their application in various sectors such as residential transportation and power generation.
Hydrogen Production by Solar Thermochemical Water-Splitting Cycle via a Beam Down Concentrator
May 2021
About 95% of the hydrogen presently produced is from natural gas and coal and the remaining 5% is generated as a by-product from the production of chlorine through electrolysis1 . In the hydrogen economy (Crabtree et al. 2004; Penner 2006; Marbán and Valdés-Solís 2007) hydrogen is produced entirely from renewable energy. The easiest approach to advance renewable energy production is through solar photovoltaic and electrolysis a pathway of high technology readiness level (TRL) suffering however from two downfalls. First of all electricity is already an energy carrier and transformation with a penalty into another energy carrier hydrogen is in principle flawed. The second problem is that the efficiency of commercial solar panels is relatively low. The cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin-film solar cells have a solar energy conversion efficiency of 17%. Production of hydrogen using the current best processes for water electrolysis has an efficiency of ∼70%. As here explained the concentrated solar energy may be used to produce hydrogen using thermochemical water-splitting cycles at much global higher efficiency (fuel energy to incident sun energy). This research and development (R&D) effort is therefore undertaken to increase the TRL of this approach as a viable and economical option.
Optimizing Renewable Injection in Integrated Natural Gas Pipeline Networks Using a Multi-Period Programming Approach
Mar 2023
In this paper we propose an optimization model that considers two pathways for injecting renewable content into natural gas pipeline networks. The pathways include (1) power-to-hydrogen or PtH where off-peak electricity is converted to hydrogen via electrolysis and (2) power-to-methane or PtM where carbon dioxide from different source locations is converted into renewable methane (also known as synthetic natural gas SNG). The above pathways result in green hydrogen and methane which can be injected into an existing natural gas pipeline network. Based on these pathways a multi-period network optimization model that integrates the design and operation of hydrogen from PtH and renewable methane is proposed. The multi-period model is a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model that determines (1) the optimal concentration of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the natural gas pipelines (2) the optimal location of PtH and carbon dioxide units while minimizing the overall system cost. We show using a case study in Ontario the optimal network structure for injecting renewable hydrogen and methane within an integrated natural gas network system provides a $12M cost reduction. The optimal concentration of hydrogen ranges from 0.2 vol % to a maximum limit of 15.1 vol % across the network while reaching a 2.5 vol % at the distribution point. This is well below the maximum limit of 5 vol % specification. Furthermore the optimizer realized a CO2 concentration ranging from 0.2 vol % to 0.7 vol %. This is well below the target of 1% specified in the model. The study is essential to understanding the practical implication of hydrogen penetration in natural gas systems in terms of constraints on hydrogen concentration and network system costs.
Pre-cooling Systems for Hydrogen Fueling Stations: Techno-economic Analysis for Scaled Enactment
Mar 2023
Hydrogen fueling standards stipulates a sustainable cooling system technically and economically. Accordingly the interior surface temperature of the on-board H2 storage tank in fuel cell electric vehicles must not exceed the maximum specified limit (358.15 K) and the fueling rate must be ≤ 42.86 sec / kg-H2 with T40 dispenser at 70 MPa. In this context H2 refueling stations often employ double-tube and block heat exchangers for heat transfer. This study examines the H2 pre-cooling system for various loads and provides a comparative techno-economic analysis of double tube heat exchangers (DTHE) and microchannel heat exchangers (MCHE) under stipulated technical operational and outlet gas standards. For this purpose thermal and hydraulic performances were simulated using ANSYS-CFX. Technical and cost models utilize manufacturer specifications and literature-based technical and economic characteristics to derive the minimum sustainable price defined as the price to sustain the product. The results showed that the MCHE outperformed the DTHE for setups in mass manufacturing improved effective heat transfer area and predicted long term unit cost. The annual quantitative output affects manufacturing expenses and profit margins substantially. With high production rates it is expected that the unit cost of the MCHE will decrease by up to 74%. In switching from DTHE to MCHE general material requirements decreased by ~60% with scrap waste savings of ~45% reflecting an appreciable footprint reduction.
Biohydrogen Production from Biomass Sources: Metabolic Pathways and Economic Analysis
Sep 2021
The commercialization of hydrogen as a fuel faces severe technological economic and environmental challenges. As a method to overcome these challenges microalgal biohydrogen production has become the subject of growing research interest. Microalgal biohydrogen can be produced through different metabolic routes the economic considerations of which are largely missing from recent reviews. Thus this review briefly explains the techniques and economics associated with enhancing microalgae-based biohydrogen production. The cost of producing biohydrogen has been estimated to be between $10 GJ-1 and $20 GJ−1 which is not competitive with gasoline ($0.33 GJ−1 ). Even though direct biophotolysis has a sunlight conversion efficiency of over 80% its productivity is sensitive to oxygen and sunlight availability. While the electrochemical processes produce the highest biohydrogen (>90%) fermentation and photobiological processes are more environmentally sustainable. Studies have revealed that the cost of producing biohydrogen is quite high ranging between $2.13 kg−1 and 7.24 kg−1 via direct biophotolysis $1.42kg−1 through indirect biophotolysis and between $7.54 kg−1 and 7.61 kg−1 via fermentation. Therefore low-cost hydrogen production technologies need to be developed to ensure long-term sustainability which requires the optimization of critical experimental parameters microalgal metabolic engineering and genetic modification.
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