Saudi Arabia
Greenhouse Gas Emission Dynamics of Saudi Arabia: Potential of Hydrogen Fuel for Emission Footprint Reduction
Mar 2023
The growth of population gross domestic product (GDP) and urbanization have led to an increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The leading GHG-emitting sectors are electricity generation road transportation cement chemicals refinery iron and steel. However the KSA is working to lead the global energy sustainability campaign to reach net zero GHG emissions by 2060. In addition the country is working to establish a framework for the circular carbon economy (CCE) in which hydrogen acts as a transversal facilitator. To cut down on greenhouse gas emissions the Kingdom is also building several facilities such as the NEOM green hydrogen project. The main objective of the article is to critically review the current GHG emission dynamics of the KSA including major GHG emission driving forces and prominent emission sectors. Then the role of hydrogen in GHG emission reduction will be explored. Finally the researchers and decision makers will find the helpful discussions and recommendations in deciding on appropriate mitigation measures and technologies.
Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Design and Control of a Hybrid System (Fuel Cell/Battery/Ultra-Capacitor) Supplied by Hydrogen
Apr 2019
Due to its high efficiency and reduced emissions new zero-emission hybrid electric vehicles have been selected as an attractive challenge for future transport applications. New zero -emission hybrid electric on the other hand has some major drawbacks from the complicated charging process. The hybrid electrical fuel cell system is introduced as the main source to intelligently control multi-source activities. An ultra-capacitor system is selected as the energy recovery assistance to monitor the fuel cell’s fast transient and peak power during critical periods. To regulate energy demand and supply an intelligent energy management system is proposed and tested through several constraints. The proposed approach system aims to act quickly against sudden circumstances related to hydrogen depletion in the prediction of the required fuel consumption basis. The proposed strategy tends to define the proper operating system according to energy demand and supply. The obtained results show that the designed system meets the targets set for the energy management unit by referring to an experimental velocity database.
Comparative Study of Spark-Ignited and Pre-Chamber Hydrogen-Fueled Engine: A Computational Approach
Nov 2022
Hydrogen is a promising future fuel to enable the transition of transportation sector toward carbon neutrality. The direct utilization of H2 in internal combustion engines (ICEs) faces three major challenges: high NOx emissions severe pressure rise rates and pre-ignition at mid to high loads. In this study the potential of H2 combustion in a truck-size engine operated in spark ignition (SI) and pre-chamber (PC) mode was investigated. To mitigate the high pressure rise rate with the SI configuration the effects of three primary parameters on the engine combustion performance and NOx emissions were evaluated including the compression ratio (CR) the air–fuel ratio and the spark timing. In the simulations the severity of the pressure rise was evaluated based on the maximum pressure rise rate (MPRR). Lower compression ratios were assessed as a means to mitigate the auto-ignition while enabling a wider range of engine operation. The study showed that by lowering CR from 16.5:1 to 12.5:1 an indicated thermal efficiency of 47.5% can be achieved at 9.4 bar indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) conditions. Aiming to restrain the auto-ignition while maintaining good efficiency growth in λ was examined under different CRs. The simulated data suggested that higher CRs require a higher λ and due to practical limitations of the boosting system λ at 4.0 was set as the limit. At a fixed spark timing using a CR of 13.5 combined with λ at 3.33 resulted in an indicated thermal efficiency of 48.6%. It was found that under such lean conditions the exhaust losses were high. Thus advancing the spark time was assessed as a possible solution. The results demonstrated the advantages of advancing the spark time where an indicated thermal efficiency exceeding 50% was achieved while maintaining a very low NOx level. Finally the optimized case in the SI mode was used to investigate the effect of using the PC. For the current design of the PC the results indicated that even though the mixture is lean the flame speed of H2 is sufficiently high to burn the lean charge without using a PC. In addition the PC design used in the current work induced a high MPRR inside the PC and MC leading to an increased tendency to engine knock. The operation with PC also increased the heat transfer losses in the MC leading to lower thermal efficiency compared to the SI mode. Consequently the PC combustion mode needs further optimizations to be employed in hydrogen engine applications.
Numerical Study on Hydrogen–Gasoline Dual-Fuel Spark Ignition Engine
Nov 2022
Hydrogen as a suitable and clean energy carrier has been long considered a primary fuel or in combination with other conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel. Since the density of hydrogen is very low in port fuel-injection configuration the engine’s volumetric efficiency reduces due to the replacement of hydrogen by intake air. Therefore hydrogen direct in-cylinder injection (injection after the intake valve closes) can be a suitable solution for hydrogen utilization in spark ignition (SI) engines. In this study the effects of hydrogen direct injection with different hydrogen energy shares (HES) on the performance and emissions characteristics of a gasoline port-injection SI engine are investigated based on reactive computational fluid dynamics. Three different injection timings of hydrogen together with five different HES are applied at low and full load on a hydrogen– gasoline dual-fuel SI engine. The results show that retarded hydrogen injection timing increases the concentration of hydrogen near the spark plug resulting in areas with higher average temperatures which led to NOX emission deterioration at −120 Crank angle degree After Top Dead Center (CAD aTDC) start of injection (SOI) compared to the other modes. At −120 CAD aTDC SOI for 50% HES the amount of NOX was 26% higher than −140 CAD aTDC SOI. In the meanwhile an advanced hydrogen injection timing formed a homogeneous mixture of hydrogen which decreased the HC and soot concentration so that −140 CAD aTDC SOI implied the lowest amount of HC and soot. Moreover with the increase in the amount of HES the concentrations of CO CO2 and soot were reduced. Having the HES by 50% at −140 CAD aTDC SOI the concentrations of particulate matter (PM) CO and CO2 were reduced by 96.3% 90% and 46% respectively. However due to more complete combustion and an elevated combustion average temperature the amount of NOX emission increased drastically.
Effect of Au Plasmonic Material on Poly M-Toluidine for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation from Sewage Water
Feb 2022
This study provides H2 gas as a renewable energy source from sewage water splitting reaction using a PMT/Au photocathode. So this study has a dual benefit for hydrogen generation; at the same time it removes the contaminations of sewage water. The preparation of the PMT is carried out through the polymerization process from an acid medium. Then the Au sputter was carried out using the sputter device under different times (1 and 2 min) for PMT/Au-1 min and PMT/Au-2min respectively. The complete analyses confirm the chemical structure such as XRD FTIR HNMR SEM and Vis-UV optical analyses. The prepared electrode PMT/Au is used for the hydrogen generation reaction using Na2S2O3 or sewage water as an electrolyte. The PMT crystalline size is 15 nm. The incident photon to current efficiency (IPCE) efficiency increases from 2.3 to 3.6% (at 390 nm) and the number of H2 moles increases from 8.4 to 33.1 mmol h−1 cm−2 for using Na2S2O3 and sewage water as electrolyte respectively. Moreover all the thermodynamic parameters such as activation energy (Ea) enthalpy (∆H*) and entropy (∆S*) were calculated; additionally a simple mechanism is mentioned for the water-splitting reaction.
Cost, Footprint, and Reliability Implications of Deploying Hydrogen in Off-grid Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: A GIS-assisted Study for Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Jul 2022
For the first time we quantify cost footprint and reliability implications of deploying hydrogen-based generation in off-grid electric vehicle charging stations (CS) using an optimization model coupled with a geographic information system (GIS) analysis for the city of Riyadh Saudi Arabia. We also account for the challenges associated with wind energy deployment as a candidate generation technology within city centers. The analysis was restricted to carbon-free technologies: photovoltaics (PV) wind battery and hydrogen fuel-cells. At current prevailing technology costs hydrogen can reduce the required footprint of off-grid CSs by 25% at a small incremental cost increase without impacting the charging reliability. By 2030 however hydrogen will simultaneously provide the footprint and cost advantages. If we allow as little as 5% of the annual load to be unmet the required footprint of the CS decreases by 60%. The levelized cost of energy values for the CS by 2030 can range between 0.13 and 0.20 $/kWh depending on learning-curve assumptions. The footprints calculated are then mapped to five land parcel categories in Riyadh: gas station hospital mall school and university. Incorporating hydrogen in CS design increases the number of parcels that could accommodate CSs by 15e45% via reducing the required PV array (i.e. footprint).
Solid Air Hydrogen Liquefaction, the Missing Link of the Hydrogen Economy
Mar 2023
The most challenging aspect of developing a green hydrogen economy is long-distance oceanic transportation. Hydrogen liquefaction is a transportation alternative. However the cost and energy consumption for liquefaction is currently prohibitively high creating a major barrier to hydrogen supply chains. This paper proposes using solid nitrogen or oxygen as a medium for recycling cold energy across the hydrogen liquefaction supply chain. When a liquid hydrogen (LH2) carrier reaches its destination the regasification process of the hydrogen produces solid nitrogen or oxygen. The solid nitrogen or oxygen is then transported in the LH2 carrier back to the hydrogen liquefaction facility and used to reduce the energy consumption cooling gaseous hydrogen. As a result the energy required to liquefy hydrogen can be reduced by 25.4% using N2 and 27.3% using O2. Solid air hydrogen liquefaction (SAHL) can be the missing link for implementing a global hydrogen economy.
Environmental Assessment of Hydrogen Utilization in Various Applications and Alternative Renewable Sources for Hydrogen Production: A Review
May 2023
Rapid industrialization is consuming too much energy and non-renewable energy resources are currently supplying the world’s majority of energy requirements. As a result the global energy mix is being pushed towards renewable and sustainable energy sources by the world’s future energy plan and climate change. Thus hydrogen has been suggested as a potential energy source for sustainable development. Currently the production of hydrogen from fossil fuels is dominant in the world and its utilization is increasing daily. As discussed in the paper a large amount of hydrogen is used in rocket engines oil refining ammonia production and many other processes. This paper also analyzes the environmental impacts of hydrogen utilization in various applications such as iron and steel production rocket engines ammonia production and hydrogenation. It is predicted that all of our fossil fuels will run out soon if we continue to consume them at our current pace of consumption. Hydrogen is only ecologically friendly when it is produced from renewable energy. Therefore a transition towards hydrogen production from renewable energy resources such as solar geothermal and wind is necessary. However many things need to be achieved before we can transition from a fossil-fuel-driven economy to one based on renewable energy
An Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Energy-Based Hydrogen Production and Power Supply for Off-Grid Systems
Jun 2024
Utilizing renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen is essential for promoting cleaner production and improving power utilization especially considering the growing use of fossil fuels and their impact on the environment. Selecting the most efficient method for distributing power and capacity is a critical issue when developing hybrid systems from scratch. The main objective of this study is to determine how a backup system affects the performance of a microgrid system. The study focuses on power and hydrogen production using renewable energy resources particularly solar and wind. Based on photovoltaics (PVs) wind turbines (WTs) and their combinations including battery storage systems (BSSs) and hydrogen technologies two renewable energy systems were examined. The proposed location for this study is the northwestern coast of Saudi Arabia (KSA). To simulate the optimal size of system components and determine their cost-effective configuration the study utilized the Hybrid Optimization Model for Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) software (Version 3.16.2). The results showed that when considering the minimum cost of energy (COE) the integration of WTs PVs a battery bank an electrolyzer and a hydrogen tank brought the cost of energy to almost 0.60 USD/kWh in the system A. However without a battery bank the COE increased to 0.72 USD/kWh in the same location because of the capital cost of system components. In addition the results showed that the operational life of the fuel cell decreased significantly in system B due to the high hours of operation which will add additional costs. These results imply that long-term energy storage in off-grid energy systems can be economically benefited by using hydrogen with a backup system.
Investigating the Impact of Economic Uncertainty on Optimal Sizing of Grid-Independent Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Aug 2021
One of the many barriers to decarbonization and decentralization of the energy sector in developing countries is the economic uncertainty. As such this study scrutinizes economics of three grid-independent hybrid renewable-based systems proposed to co-generate electricity and heat for a small-scale load. Accordingly the under-study systems are simulated and optimized with the aid of HOMER Pro software. Here a 20-year average value of discount and inflation rates is deemed a benchmark case. The techno-economic-environmental and reliability results suggest a standalone solar/wind/electrolyzer/hydrogen-based fuel cell integrated with a hydrogen-based boiler system is the best alternative. Moreover to ascertain the impact of economic uncertainty on optimal unit sizing of the nominated model the fluctuations of the nominal discount rate and inflation respectively constitute within the range of 15–20% and 10–26%. The findings of economic uncertainty analysis imply that total net present cost (TNPC) fluctuates around the benchmark value symmetrically between $478704 and $814905. Levelized energy cost varies from an amount 69% less than the benchmark value up to two-fold of that. Furthermore photovoltaic (PV) optimal size starts from a value 23% less than the benchmark case and rises up to 55% more. The corresponding figures for wind turbine (WT) are respectively 21% and 29%. Eventually several practical policies are introduced to cope with economic uncertainty.
Optimal Design and Sizing of Hybrid Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Electrical Power System
Aug 2023
Renewable energy solutions play a crucial role in addressing the growing energy demands while mitigating environmental concerns. This study examines the techno-economic viability and sensitivity of utilizing solar photovoltaic/polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells (FCs) to meet specific power demands in NEOM Saudi Arabia. The novelty of this study lies in its innovative approach to analyzing and optimizing PV/PEMFC systems aiming to highlight their economic feasibility and promote sustainable development in the region. The analysis focuses on determining the optimal size of the PV/PEMFC system based on two critical criteria: minimum cost of energy (COE) and minimum net present cost (NPC). The study considers PEMFCs with power ratings of 30 kW 40 kW and 50 kW along with four PV panel options: Jinko Solar Powerwave Tindo Karra and Trina Solar. The outcomes show that the 30 kW PEMFC and the 201 kW Trina Solar TSM-430NEG9R.28 are the most favorable choices for the case study. Under these optimal conditions the study reveals the lowest values for NPC at USD 703194 and COE at USD 0.498 per kilowatt-hour. The levelized cost of hydrogen falls within the range of USD 15.9 to 23.4 per kilogram. Furthermore replacing the 30 kW Trina solar panel with a 50 kW Tindo PV module results in a cost reduction of 32%. The findings emphasize the criticality of choosing optimal system configurations to attain favorable economic outcomes thereby facilitating the adoption and utilization of renewable energy sources in the region. In conclusion this study stands out for its pioneering and thorough analysis and optimization of PV/PEMFC systems providing valuable insights for sustainable energy planning in NEOM Saudi Arabia.
Optimal Parameter Determination of Membrane Bioreactor to Boost Biohydrogen Production-Based Integration of ANFIS Modeling and Honey Badger Algorithm
Jan 2023
Hydrogen is a new promising energy source. Three operating parameters including inlet gas flow rate pH and impeller speed mainly determine the biohydrogen production from membrane bioreactor. The work aims to boost biohydrogen production by determining the optimal values of the control parameters. The proposed methodology contains two parts: modeling and parameter estimation. A robust ANIFS model to simulate a membrane bioreactor has been constructed for the modeling stage. Compared with RMS thanks to ANFIS the RMSE decreased from 2.89 using ANOVA to 0.0183 using ANFIS. Capturing the proper correlation between the inputs and output of the membrane bioreactor process system encourages the constructed ANFIS model to predict the output performance exactly. Then the optimal operating parameters were identified using the honey badger algorithm. During the optimization process inlet gas flow rate pH and impeller speed are used as decision variables whereas the biohydrogen production is the objective function required to be maximum. The integration between ANFIS and HBA boosted the hydrogen production yield from 23.8 L to 25.52 L increasing by 7.22%.
Performance, Emissions, and Combustion Characteristics of a Hydrogen-Fueled Spark-Ignited Engine at Different Compression Ratios: Experimental and Numerical Investigation
Jul 2023
This paper investigates the performance of hydrogen-fueled spark-ignited single-cylinder Cooperative Fuel Research using experimental and numerical approaches. This study examines the effect of the air–fuel ratio on engine performance emissions and knock behaviour across different compression ratios. The results indicate that λ significantly affects both engine performance and emissions with a λ value of 2 yielding the highest efficiency and lowest emissions for all the tested compression ratios. Combustion analysis reveals normal combustion at λ ≥ 2 while knocking combustion occurs at λ < 2 irrespective of the tested compression ratios. The Livenwood–Wu integral approach was evaluated to assess the likelihood of end-gas autoignition based on fuel reactivity demonstrating that both normal and knocking combustion possibilities are consistent with experimental investigations. Combustion analysis at the ignition timing for maximum brake torque conditions demonstrates knock-free stable combustion up to λ = 3 with increased end-gas autoignition at lower λ values. To achieve knock-free combustion at those low λs the spark timings are significantly retarded to after top dead center crank angle position. Engine-out NOx emissions consistently increase in trend with a decrease in the air–fuel ratio of up to λ = 3 after which a distinct variation in NOx is observed with an increase in the compression ratio.
Hydrogen Combustion, Production, and Applications: A Review
May 2024
The demand for fossil fuels is rising rapidly leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen has emerged as a promising clean energy alternative that could help meet future demands way sustainably especially if produced using renewable methods. For hydrogen to meaningfully contribute to energy transitions it needs more integration into sectors like transportation buildings and power that currently have minimal hydrogen usage. This requires developing extensive cross-sector hydrogen infrastructure. This review examines hydrogen combustion as a fuel by exploring and comparing production techniques enriching ammonia with hydrogen as a CO2-free option and hydrogen applications in engines. Additionally a techno-economic environmental risk analysis is discussed. Results showed steam methane reforming is the most established and cost-effective production method at $1.3–1.5/kg H2 and 70–85% efficiency but generates CO2. Biomass gasification costs $1.25–2.20/kg H2 and pyrolysis $1.77–2.05/kg H2 offering renewable options. However bio-photolysis currently has high costs of $1.42–2.13/kg H2 due to low conversion rates requiring large reactors. Blending H2/NH3 could enable carbon-free combustion aiding carbon neutrality pursuits but minimizing resultant NOx is crucial. Hydrogen’s wide uses from transportation to power underline its potential as a transformational energy carrier.
Optimal Design for a Hybrid Microgrid-hydrogen Storage Facility in Saudi Arabia
May 2022
Background: Sustainable development requires access to afordable reliable and efcient energy to lift billions of people out of poverty and improve their standard of living. The development of new and renewable forms of energy that emit less CO2 may not materialize quickly enough or at a price point that allows people to attain the standard of living they desire and deserve. As a result a parallel path to sustainability must be developed that uses both renewable and clean carbon-based methods. Hybrid microgrids are promoted to solve various electrical and energy-related issues that incorporate renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics wind diesel generation or a combination of these sources. Utilizing microgrids in electric power generation has several benefts including clean energy increased grid stability and reduced congestion. Despite these advantages microgrids are not frequently deployed because of economic concerns. To address these fnancial concerns it is necessary to explore the ideal confguration of micro-grids based on the quantity quality and availability of sustainable energy sources used to install the microgrid and the optimal design of microgrid components. These considerations are refected in net present value and levelized energy cost. Methods: HOMER was used to simulate numerous system confgurations and select the most feasible solution according to the net present value levelizied cost of energy and hydrogen operating cost and renewable fraction. HOMER performed a repeated algorithm process to determine the most feasible system configuration and parameters with the least economic costs and highest benefits to achieve a practically feasible system configuration. Results: This article aimed to construct a cost-effective microgrid system for Saudi Arabia’s Yanbu city using five configurations using excess energy to generate hydrogen. The obtained results indicate that the optimal configuration for the specified area is a hybrid photovoltaic/wind/battery/generator/fuel cell/hydrogen electrolyzer microgrid with a net present value and levelized energy cost of $10.6 billion and $0.15/kWh. Conclusion: With solar photovoltaic and wind generation costs declining building electrolyzers in locations with excellent renewable resource conditions such as Saudi Arabia could become a low-cost hydrogen supply option even when accounting for the transmission and distribution costs of transporting hydrogen from renewable resource locations to end-users. The optimum confguration can generate up to 32132 tons of hydrogen per year (tH2/year) and 380824 tons per year of CO2 emissions can be avoided.
Hydrogen Refueling Stations Powered by Hybrid PV/Wind Renewable Energy Systems: Techno-socio-economic Assessment
Mar 2024
Hydrogen is considered as an attractive alternative to fossil fuels in the transportation sector. However the penetration of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) is hindered by the lack of hydrogen refueling station infrastructures. In this study the feasibility of a hybrid PV/wind system for hydrogen refueling station is investigated. Refueling events data is collected in different locations including industrial residential highway and tourist areas. Station Occupancy Fractions (SOF) and Social-to-Solar Fraction (STSF) indicators are developed to assess the level of synchronization between the hydrogen demand and solar potential. Then a validated computer code is used to optimize the renewable system components for off/on-grid cases based on minimizing the Net Present Cost (NPC) and the Loss of Hydrogen Supply Probability (LHSP). For off grid cases the results show that STSF attains maximum value in the industrial area where 0.62 fraction of refueling events occur during the sunshine hours and minimum NPC is achieved. It is observed that when STSF attains lower values of 0.52 0.41 and 0.38 for residential highway and tourist areas NPC increases by 8 16 and 31% respectively. This is associated with lower level of coordination between the hydrogen demand and solar potential. The same conclusion can be stated for the on-grid cases. Therefore for green hydrogen production via solar energy utilization it is recommended that a tariff should be applied to encourage refueling hydrogen vehicles during the availability of solar radiation while reducing the environmental impact storage requirements and eventually the cost of hydrogen production.
Palladium-alloy Membrane Reactors for Fuel Reforming and Hydrogen Production: Hydrogen Production Modelling
Jul 2023
Endeavors have recently been concentrated on minimizing the dependency on fossil fuels in order to mitigate the ever-increasing problem of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Hydrogen energy is regarded as an alternative to fossil fuels due to its cleaner emission attributes. Reforming of hydrocarbon fuels is amongst the most popular and widely used methods for hydrogen production. Hydrogen produced from reforming processes requires additional processes to separate from the reformed gases. In some cases further purification of hydrogen has to be carried out to use the hydrogen in power generation applications. Metallic membranes especially palladium (Pd)-based ones have demonstrated sustainable hydrogen separation potential with around 99.99% hydrogen purity. Comprehensive and critical research investigations must be performed to optimize membrane-assisted reforming as well as to maximize the production of hydrogen. The computational fluid dynamic (CFD) can be an excellent tool to analyze and visualize the flow/reaction/permeation mechanisms at a lower cost in contrast with the experiments. In order to provide the necessary background knowledge on membrane reactor modeling this study reviews summarizes and analyses the kinetics of different fuel reforming processes equations to determine hydrogen permeation and lastly various geometry and operating condition adopted in the literature associated with membrane-reactor modeling works. It is indicated that hydrogen permeation through Pd-membranes depends highly on the difference in hydrogen pressure. It is found that hydrogen permeation can be improved by employing different pressure configuration introducing sweep flow on the permeate side of the membrane reducing retentate side flow rate and increasing the temperature.
Techno-Economic Analysis of Combined Production of Wind Energy and Green Hydrogen on the Northern Coast of Mauritania
Sep 2024
Green hydrogen is becoming increasingly popular with academics institutions and governments concentrating on its development efficiency improvement and cost reduction. The objective of the Ministry of Petroleum Mines and Energy is to achieve a 35% proportion of renewable energy in the overall energy composition by the year 2030 followed by a 50% commitment by 2050. This goal will be achieved through the implementation of feed-in tariffs and the integration of independent power generators. The present study focused on the economic feasibility of green hydrogen and its production process utilizing renewable energy resources on the northern coast of Mauritania. The current investigation also explored the wind potential along the northern coast of Mauritania spanning over 600 km between Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. Wind data from masts Lidar stations and satellites at 10 and 80 m heights from 2022 to 2023 were used to assess wind characteristics and evaluate five turbine types for local conditions. A comprehensive techno-economic analysis was carried out at five specific sites encompassing the measures of levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and levelized cost of green hydrogen (LCOGH) as well as sensitivity analysis and economic performance indicators. The results showed an annual average wind speed of 7.6 m/s in Nouakchott to 9.8 m/s in Nouadhibou at 80 m. The GOLDWIND 3.0 MW model showed the highest capacity factor of 50.81% due to its low cut-in speed of 2.5 m/s and its rated wind speed of 10.5 to 11 m/s. The NORDEX 4 MW model forecasted an annual production of 21.97 GWh in Nouadhibou and 19.23 GWh in Boulanoir with the LCOE ranging from USD 5.69 to 6.51 cents/kWh below the local electricity tariff and an LCOGH of USD 1.85 to 2.11 US/kg H2 . Multiple economic indicators confirmed the feasibility of wind energy and green hydrogen projects in assessed sites. These results boosted the confidence of the techno-economic model highlighting the resilience of future investments in these sustainable energy infrastructures. Mauritania’s north coast has potential for wind energy aiding green hydrogen production for energy goals.
Evaluation of Green and Blue Hydrogen Production Potential in Saudi Arabia
Sep 2024
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has rich renewable energy resources specifically wind and solar in addition to geothermal beside massive natural gas reserves. This paper investigates the potential of both green and blue hydrogen production for five selected cities in Saudi Arabia. To accomplish the said objective a techno-economic model is formulated. Four renewable energy scenarios are evaluated for a total of 1.9 GW installed capacity to reveal the best scenario of Green Hydrogen Production (GHP) in each city. Also Blue Hydrogen Production (BHP) is investigated for three cases of Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) with different percentages of carbon capture. The economic analysis for both GHP and BHP is performed by calculating the Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) and cash flow. The LCOH for GHP range for all cities ($3.27/kg -$12.17/kg)) with the lowest LCOH is found for NEOM city (50% PV and 50% wind) ($3.27/kg). LCOH for BHP are $0.534/kg $0.647/kg and $0.897/kg for SMR wo CCS/U SMR 55% CCS/U and SMR 90% CCS/U respectively.
Sustainable Green Energy Transition in Saudia Arabia: Characterizing Policy Framework, Interrelations and Future Research Directions
Jun 2024
By 2060 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targeting 50% renewable energy and reducing 278 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent annually by 2030 under Vision 2030. This ambitious roadmap focuses on economic diversification global engagement and enhanced quality of life. The electricity sector with a 90 GW installed capacity as of 2020 is central to decarbonization aiming for a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030. Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre’s Energy Efficiency Action Plan aims to reduce power intensity by 30% by 2030 while the NEOM project showcases a 4 GW green hydrogen facility reflecting the country’s commitments to sustainability and technological innovation. Despite being the largest oil producer and user Saudi Arabia must align with international CO2 emission reduction targets. Currently there is no state-of-the-art energy policy framework to guide a sustainable energy transition. In the academic literature there is also lack of effort in developing comprehensive energy policy framework. This study provides a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the entire energy industry spanning from the stage of production to consumption incorporating sustainability factors into the wider discussion on energy policy. It establishes a conceptual framework for the energy policy of Saudi Arabia that corresponds with Vision 2030. A total of hundred documents (e.g. 25 original articles and 75 industry reports) were retrieved from Google Scholar Web of Science Core Collection Database and Google Search and then analyzed. Results showed that for advancing the green energy transition areas such as strategies for regional and cross-sectoral collaboration adoption of international models human capital development and public engagement technological innovation and research; and resource conservation environmental protection and climate change should move forward exclusively from an energy policy perspective. This article's main contribution is developing a comprehensive and conceptual policy framework for Saudi Arabia's sustainable green energy transition aligned with Vision 2030. The framework integrates social economic and environmental criteria and provides critical policy implications and research directions for advancing energy policy and sustainable practices in the country.
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