United States
Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Plan
Nov 2020
The Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen Program Plan (the Program Plan or Plan) outlines the strategic high-level focus areas of DOE’s Hydrogen Program (the Program). The term Hydrogen Program refers not to any single office within DOE but rather to the cohesive and coordinated effort of multiple offices that conduct research development and demonstration (RD&D) activities on hydrogen technologies. This terminology and the coordinated efforts on hydrogen among relevant DOE offices have been in place since 2004 and provide an inclusive and strategic view of how the Department coordinates activities on hydrogen across applications and sectors. This version of the Plan updates and expands upon previous versions including the Hydrogen Posture Plan and the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Plan and provides a coordinated high-level summary of hydrogen related activities across DOE.
The 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan fulfilled the requirement in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005) that the Energy Secretary transmit to Congress a coordinated plan for DOE’s hydrogen and fuel cell activities. For historical context the original Posture Plan issued in 2004 outlined a coordinated plan for DOE and the U.S. Department of Transportation to meet the goals of the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative (HFI) and implement the 2002 National Hydrogen Energy Technology Roadmap. The HFI was launched in 2004 to accelerate research development and demonstration (RD&D) of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for use in transportation electricity generation and portable power applications. The Roadmap provided a blueprint for the public and private efforts required to fulfill a long-term national vision for hydrogen energy as outlined in A National Vision of America’s Transition to a Hydrogen Economy—to 2030 and Beyond. Both the Roadmap and the Vision were developed out of meetings involving DOE industry academia non-profit organizations and other stakeholders. The Roadmap the Vision the Posture Plans the 2011 Program Plan and the results of key stakeholder workshops continue to form the underlying basis for this current edition of the Program Plan.
This edition of the Program Plan reflects the Department’s focus on conducting coordinated RD&D activities to enable the adoption of hydrogen technologies across multiple applications and sectors. It includes content from the various plans and documents developed by individual offices within DOE working on hydrogen-related activities including: the Office of Fossil Energy's Hydrogen Strategy: Enabling a Low Carbon Economy the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-year RD&D Plan the Office of Nuclear Energy’s Integrated Energy Systems 2020 Roadmap and the Office of Science’s Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy. Many of these documents are also in the process of updates and revisions and will be posted online.
Through this overarching document the reader will gain information on the key RD&D needs to enable the largescale use of hydrogen and related technologies—such as fuel cells and turbines—in the economy and how the Department’s various offices are addressing those needs. The Program will continue to periodically revise the Plan along with all program office RD&D plans to reflect technological progress programmatic changes policy decisions and updates based on stakeholder input and reviews.
The 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan fulfilled the requirement in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005) that the Energy Secretary transmit to Congress a coordinated plan for DOE’s hydrogen and fuel cell activities. For historical context the original Posture Plan issued in 2004 outlined a coordinated plan for DOE and the U.S. Department of Transportation to meet the goals of the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative (HFI) and implement the 2002 National Hydrogen Energy Technology Roadmap. The HFI was launched in 2004 to accelerate research development and demonstration (RD&D) of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for use in transportation electricity generation and portable power applications. The Roadmap provided a blueprint for the public and private efforts required to fulfill a long-term national vision for hydrogen energy as outlined in A National Vision of America’s Transition to a Hydrogen Economy—to 2030 and Beyond. Both the Roadmap and the Vision were developed out of meetings involving DOE industry academia non-profit organizations and other stakeholders. The Roadmap the Vision the Posture Plans the 2011 Program Plan and the results of key stakeholder workshops continue to form the underlying basis for this current edition of the Program Plan.
This edition of the Program Plan reflects the Department’s focus on conducting coordinated RD&D activities to enable the adoption of hydrogen technologies across multiple applications and sectors. It includes content from the various plans and documents developed by individual offices within DOE working on hydrogen-related activities including: the Office of Fossil Energy's Hydrogen Strategy: Enabling a Low Carbon Economy the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-year RD&D Plan the Office of Nuclear Energy’s Integrated Energy Systems 2020 Roadmap and the Office of Science’s Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy. Many of these documents are also in the process of updates and revisions and will be posted online.
Through this overarching document the reader will gain information on the key RD&D needs to enable the largescale use of hydrogen and related technologies—such as fuel cells and turbines—in the economy and how the Department’s various offices are addressing those needs. The Program will continue to periodically revise the Plan along with all program office RD&D plans to reflect technological progress programmatic changes policy decisions and updates based on stakeholder input and reviews.
Hydrogen Strategy - Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy
Jul 2020
This document summarizes current hydrogen technologies and communicates the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy's (FE's) strategic plan to accelerate research development and deploymnet of hydrogen technologies in the United States. It also describes ongoing FE hydrogen-related research and development (R&D). Hydrogen from fossil fuels is a versatile energy carrier and can play an important role in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
An Investigation of Mobile Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Applications
Sep 2019
Safe practices in the production storage distribution and use of hydrogen are essential for the widespread acceptance of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. A significant safety incident in any project could damage public perception of hydrogen and fuel cells. A recent incident involving a hydrogen mobile storage trailer in the United States has brought attention to the potential impacts of mobile hydrogen storage and transport. Road transport of bulk hydrogen presents unique hazards that can be very different from those for stationary equipment and new equipment developers may have less experience and expertise than seasoned gas providers. In response to the aforementioned incident and in support of hydrogen and fuel cell activities in California the Hydrogen Safety Panel (HSP) has investigated the safety of mobile hydrogen and fuel cell applications (mobile auxiliary/emergency fuel cell power units mobile fuellers multi-cylinder trailer transport unmanned aircraft power supplies and mobile hydrogen generators). The HSP examined the applications requirements and performance of mobile applications that are being used extensively outside of California to understand how safety considerations are applied. This paper discusses the results of the HSP’s evaluation of hydrogen and fuel cell mobile applications along with recommendations to address relevant safety issues.
Hydrogen Systems Component Safety
Sep 2013
The deployment of hydrogen technologies particularly the deployment of hydrogen dispensing systems for passenger vehicles requires that hydrogen components perform reliably in environments where they have to meet the following performance parameters:
The paper will use incident frequency data from NREL’s Technology Validation project to more quantitatively identify safety concerns in hydrogen dispensing and storage systems.
- Perform safely where the consumer will be operating the dispensing equipment
- Dispense hydrogen at volumes comparable to gasoline dispensing stations in timeframes comparable to gasoline stations
- Deliver a fueling performance that is within the boundaries of consumer tolerance
- Perform with maintenance/incident frequencies comparable to gasoline dispensing systems
The paper will use incident frequency data from NREL’s Technology Validation project to more quantitatively identify safety concerns in hydrogen dispensing and storage systems.
Detection of Hydrogen Released In a Full-Scale Residential Garage
Sep 2011
Experiments were conducted to assess detectability of a low-level leak of hydrogen gas and the uniformity of hydrogen concentration at selected sensor placement locations in a realistic setting. A 5%2hydrogen/95%2nitrogen gas mixture was injected at a rate of 350 L/min for about 3/4 hour into a 93m3 residential garage space through a 0.09 m2 square open-top dispersion box located on the floor. Calibrated catalytic sensors were placed on ceiling and wall locations and the sensors detected hydrogen early in the release and continued to measure concentrations to peak and diminishing levels. Experiments were conducted with and without a car parked over the dispersion box. The results show that a car positioned over the dispersion box tends to promote dilution of the hydrogen cause a longer time for locations to reach a fixed threshold and produce lower peak concentrations than with no car present.
Hydrogen Compatibility of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing and Orbital Tube Welds
Sep 2013
Refueling infrastructure for use in gaseous hydrogen powered vehicles requires extensive manifolding for delivering the hydrogen from the stationary fuel storage at the refueling station to the vehicle as well as from the mobile storage on the vehicle to the fuel cell or combustion engine. Manifolds for gas handling often use welded construction (as opposed to compression fittings) to minimize gas leaks. Therefore it is important to understand the effects of hydrogen on tubing and tubing welds. This paper provides a brief overview of on-going studies on the effects of hydrogen precharging on the tensile properties of austenitic stainless tubing and orbital tube welds of several austenitic stainless steels.
Validated Equivalent Source Model for an Under-expanded Hydrogen Jet
Oct 2015
As hydrogen fuel cell vehicles become more widely adopted by consumers the demand for refuelling stations increases. Most vehicles require high-pressure (either 350 or 700 bar) hydrogen and therefore the refuelling infrastructure must support these pressures. Fast running reduced order physical models of releases from high-pressure sources are needed so that quantitative risk assessment can guide the safety certification of these stations. A release from a high pressure source is choked at the release point forming the complex shock structures of an under-expanded jet before achieving a characteristic Gaussian pro le for velocity density mass fraction etc. downstream. Rather than using significant computational resources to resolve the shock structure an equivalent source model can be used to quickly and accurately describe the ow in terms of velocity diameter and thermodynamic state after the shock structure. In this work we present correlations for the equivalent boundary conditions of a subsonic jet as a high-pressure jet downstream of the shock structure. Schlieren images of under-expanded jets are used to show that the geometrical structure of under-expanded jets scale with the square root of the static to ambient pressure ratio. Correlations for an equivalent source model are given and these parameters are also found to scale with square root of the pressure ratio. We present our model as well as planar laser Rayleigh scattering validation data for static pressures up to 60 bar.
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program Part 3- Advances in Research and Development to Enhance the Scientific Basis for Hydrogen Regulations, Codes and Standards
Oct 2015
Hydrogen fuels are being deployed around the world as an alternative to traditional petrol and battery technologies. As with all fuels regulations codes and standards are a necessary component of the safe deployment of hydrogen technologies. There has been a focused effort in the international hydrogen community to develop codes and standards based on strong scientific principles to accommodate the relatively rapid deployment of hydrogen-energy systems. The need for science-based codes and standards has revealed the need to advance our scientific understanding of hydrogen in engineering environments. This brief review describes research and development activities with emphasis on scientific advances that have aided the advancement of hydrogen regulations codes and standards for hydrogen technologies in four key areas: (1) the physics of high-pressure hydrogen releases (called hydrogen behaviour); (2) quantitative risk assessment; (3) hydrogen compatibility of materials; and (4) hydrogen fuel quality.
Continuous Codes and Standards Improvement (CCSI)
Oct 2015
As of 2014 the majority of the Codes and Standards required to initially deploy hydrogen technologies infrastructure in the US have been promulgated1. These codes and standards will be field tested through their application to actual hydrogen technologies projects. CCSI is process of identifying code issues that arise during project deployment and then develop codes solutions to these issues. These solutions would typically be proposed amendments to codes and standards. The process is continuous because of technology and the state of safety knowledge develops there will be a need for monitoring the application of codes and standards and improving them based on information gathered during their application. This paper will discuss code issues that have surfaced through hydrogen technologies infrastructure project deployment and potential code changes that would address these issues. The issues that this paper will address include:
- Setback distances for bulk hydrogen storage
- Code mandated hazard analyses
- Sensor placement and communication
- The use of approved equipment
- System monitoring and maintenance requirements
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program part 2- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Emphasizing Safety to Enable Commercialization
Oct 2015
Safety is of paramount importance in all facets of the research development demonstration and deployment work of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Program. The Safety Codes and Standards sub-program (SC&S) facilitates deployment and commercialization of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies by developing and disseminating information and knowledge resources for their safe use. A comprehensive safety management program utilizing the Hydrogen Safety Panel to raise safety consciousness at the project level and developing/disseminating a suite of safety knowledge resources is playing an integral role in DOE and SC&S efforts. This paper provides examples of accomplishments achieved while reaching a growing and diverse set of stakeholders involved in research development and demonstration; design and manufacturing; deployment and operations. The work of the Hydrogen Safety Panel highlights new knowledge and the insights gained through interaction with project teams. Various means of collaboration to enhance the value of the program’s safety knowledge tools and training resources are illustrated and the direction of future initiatives to reinforce the commitment to safety is discussed.
HYRAM: A Methodology and Toolkit for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Systems
Oct 2015
HyRAM is a methodology and accompanying software toolkit which is being developed to provide a platform for integration of state-of-the-art validated science and engineering models and data relevant to hydrogen safety. As such the HyRAM software toolkit establishes a standard methodology for conducting quantitative risk assessment (QRA) and consequence analysis relevant to assessing the safety of hydrogen fueling and storage infrastructure. The HyRAM toolkit integrates fast-running deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying risk of accident scenarios for predicting physical effects and for characterizing the impact of hydrogen hazards (thermal effects from jet fires thermal and pressure effects from deflagrations and detonations). HyRAM incorporates generic probabilities for equipment failures for nine types of hydrogen system components generic probabilities for hydrogen ignition and probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux and pressure on humans and structures. These are combined with fast-running computationally and experimentally validated models of hydrogen release and flame behaviour. HyRAM can be extended in scope via user contributed models and data. The QRA approach in HyRAM can be used for multiple types of analyses including codes and standards development code compliance safety basis development and facility safety planning. This manuscript discusses the current status and vision for HyRAM.
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program Part 1- Regulations, Codes and Standards (RCS) for Hydrogen Technologies - An Historical Overview
Oct 2015
RCS for hydrogen technologies were first developed approximately sixty years ago when hydrogen was being sold as an industrial commodity. The advent of new hydrogen technologies such as Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) created a need for new RCS. These RCS have been developed with extensive support from the US DOE. These new hydrogen technologies are approaching commercial deployment and this process will produce information on RCS field performance that will create more robust RCS.
First Responder Training Supporting Commercialization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies
Oct 2015
A properly trained first responder community is critical to the successful introduction of hydrogen fuel cell applications and their transformation in how we use energy. Providing resources with accurate information and current knowledge is essential to the delivery of effective hydrogen and fuel cell-related first responder training. The California Fuel Cell Partnership and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have over 15 years of experience in developing and delivering hydrogen safety-related first responder training materials and programs. A National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Emergency Response Training Resource was recently released. This training resource serves the delivery of a variety of training regimens. Associated materials are adaptable for different training formats ranging from high-level overview presentations to more comprehensive classroom training. This paper presents what has been learned from the development and delivery of hydrogen safety-related first responder training programs (online classroom hands-on) by the respective organizations. The collaborative strategy being developed for enhancing training materials and methods for greater accessibility based on stakeholder input will be discussed.
Application of Quantitative Risk Assessment for Performance-based Permitting of Hydrogen Fueling Stations
Oct 2015
NFPA 2 Hydrogen Technologies Code allows the use of risk-informed approaches to permitting hydrogen fuelling installations through the use of performance-based evaluations of specific hydrogen hazards. However the hydrogen fuelling industry in the United States has been reluctant to implement the performance-based option because the perception is that the required effort is cost prohibitive and there is no guarantee that the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) would accept the results. This report provides a methodology for implementing a performance-based design of an outdoor hydrogen refuelling station that does not comply with specific prescriptive separation distances. Performance-based designs are a code-compliant alternative to meeting prescriptive requirements. Compliance is demonstrated by evaluating a compliant prescriptive-based refuelling station design with a performance-based design approach using Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) methods and hydrogen risk tools. This template utilizes the Sandia-developed QRA tool Hydrogen Risk Analysis Model (HyRAM) to calculate risk values when developing risk-equivalent designs. HyRAM combines reduced-order deterministic models that characterize hydrogen release and flame behaviour with probabilistic risk models to quantify risk values. Each project is unique and this template is not intended to cover unique site-specific characteristics. Instead example content and a methodology are provided for a representative hydrogen refuelling site which can be built upon for new hydrogen applications.
Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program part 4- Hydrogen Sensors
Oct 2015
Hydrogen sensors are recognized as a critical element in the safety design for any hydrogen system. In this role sensors can perform several important functions including indication of unintended hydrogen releases activation of mitigation strategies to preclude the development of dangerous situations activation of alarm systems and communication to first responders and to initiate system shutdown. The functionality of hydrogen sensors in this capacity is decoupled from the system being monitored thereby providing an independent safety component that is not affected by the system itself. The importance of hydrogen sensors has been recognized by DOE and by the Fuel Cell Technologies Office’s Safety and Codes Standards (SCS) program in particular which has for several years supported hydrogen safety sensor research and development. The SCS hydrogen sensor programs are currently led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The current SCS sensor program encompasses the full range of issues related to safety sensors including development of advance sensor platforms with exemplary performance development of sensor-related code and standards outreach to stakeholders on the role sensors play in facilitating deployment technology evaluation and support on the proper selection and use of sensors.
Exchange Current Density of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Electrodes
Mar 2022
Reversible solid oxide cells (r-SOCs) can be operated in either solid oxide fuel cell or solid oxide electrolysis cell mode. They are expected to become important in the support of renewable energy due to their high efficiency for both power generation and hydrogen generation. The exchange current density is one of the most important parameters in the quantification of electrode performance in solid oxide cells. In this study four different fuel electrodes and two different air electrodes are fabricated using different materials and the microstructures are compared. The temperature fuel humidification and oxygen concentration at the air electrode are varied to obtain the apparent exchange current density for the different electrode materials. In contrast to ruthenium-and-gadolinia-doped ceria (Rh-GDC) as well as nickel-and-gadolinia-doped ceria (Ni-GDC) electrodes significant differences in the apparent exchange current density were observed between electrolysis and fuel cell modes for the nickel-scandia-stabilized zirconia (Ni-ScSZ) cermet. Variation of gas concentration revealed that surface adsorption sites were almost completely vacant for all these electrodes. The apparent exchange current densities obtained in this study are useful as a parameter for simulation of the internal properties of r-SOCs.
Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on Vented Explosion Overpressures from Lean Hydrogen–air Deflagrations
Sep 2011
Experimental data from vented explosion tests using lean hydrogen–air mixtures with concentrations from 12 to 19% vol. are presented. A 63.7-m3 chamber was used for the tests with a vent size of either 2.7 or 5.4 m2. The tests were focused on the effect of hydrogen concentration ignition location vent size and obstacles on the pressure development of a propagating flame in a vented enclosure. The dependence of the maximum pressure generated on the experimental parameters was analyzed. It was confirmed that the pressure maxima are caused by pressure transients controlled by the interplay of the maximum flame area the burning velocity and the overpressure generated outside of the chamber by an external explosion. A model proposed earlier to estimate the maximum pressure for each of the main pressure transients was evaluated for the various hydrogen concentrations. The effect of the Lewis number on the vented explosion overpressure is discussed.
Enhancing Safety of Hydrogen Containment Components Through Materials Testing Under In-service Conditions
Oct 2015
The capabilities in the Hydrogen Effects on Materials Laboratory (HEML) at Sandia National Laboratories and the related materials testing activities that support standards development and technology deployment are reviewed. The specialized systems in the HEML allow testing of structural materials under in-service conditions such as hydrogen gas pressures up to 138 MPa temperatures from ambient to 203 K and cyclic mechanical loading. Examples of materials testing under hydrogen gas exposure featured in the HEML include stainless steels for fuel cell vehicle balance of plant components and Cr-Mo steels for stationary seamless pressure vessels.
Self-Ignition of Hydrogen Jet Fires By Electrostatic Discharge Induced By Entrained Particulates
Sep 2011
The potential for particulates entrained in hydrogen releases to generate electrostatic charge and induce electrostatic discharge ignitions was investigated. A series of tests were performed in which hydrogen was released through a 3.75-mm-diameter orifice from an initial pressure of 140 bar. Electrostatic field sensors were used to characterize the electrification of known quantities of iron oxide particulates deliberately entrained in the release. The ignition experiments focused on using charged particulates to induce spark discharges from isolated conductors and corona discharges. A total of 12 ignition events were observed. The results show that electrification of entrained particulates is a viable self-ignition mechanism of hydrogen releases.
Ignitability and Mixing of Underexpanded Hydrogen Jets
Sep 2011
Reliable methods are needed to predict ignition boundaries that result from compressed hydrogen bulk storage leaks without complex modelling. To support the development of these methods a new high-pressure stagnation chamber has been integrated into Sandia National Laboratories’ Turbulent Combustion Laboratory so that relevant compressed gas release scenarios can be replicated. For the present study a jet with a 10:1 pressure ratio issuing from a small 0.75 mm radius nozzle has been examined. Jet exit shock structure was imaged by Schlieren photography while quantitative Planar Laser Rayleigh Scatter imaging was used to measure instantaneous hydrogen mole fractions downstream of the Mach disk. Measured concentration statistics and ignitable boundary predictions compared favorably to analytic reconstructions of downstream jet dispersion behaviour. Model results were produced from subsonic jet dispersion models and by invoking self-similarity jet scaling arguments with length scaling by experimentally measured effective source radii. Similar far field reconstructions that relied on various notional nozzle models to account for complex jet exit shock phenomena failed to satisfactorily predict the experimental findings. These results indicate further notional nozzle refinement is needed to improve the prediction fidelity. Moreover further investigation is required to understand the effect of different pressure ratios on measured virtual origins used in the jet dispersion model.
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