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Role of batteries and fuel cells in achieving Net Zero: Session 2

Formal meeting (oral evidence session)


The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee will hear from leading researchers about anticipated developments in batteries and fuel cells over the next ten years that could contribute to meeting the net-zero target.
The Committee continues its inquiry into the Role of batteries and fuel cells in achieving Net Zero. It will ask a panel of experts about batteries, hearing about the current state-of-the-art in technologies that are currently in deployment, primarily lithium-ion batteries. It will also explore the potential of next generation technologies currently in development and the challenges in scaling them up to manufacture.
The Committee will then question a second panel about fuel cells, hearing about the different types available and their applications. It will explore challenges that need to be overcome in the development of the technology, and will consider the UK’s international standing in the sector.
Meeting details
At 10.00am: Oral evidence
Professor Serena Corr, Chair in Functional Nanomaterials, and Director of Research, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at University of Sheffield
Professor Paul Shearing, Professor in Chemical Engineering at University College London
Dr Jerry Barker, Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Faradion Limited
Dr Melanie Loveridge, Associate Professor, Warwick Manufacturing Group at University of Warwick
At 11.00am: Oral evidence
Professor Andrea Russell, Professor of Physical Electrochemistry at University of Southampton
Professor Anthony Kucernak, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences at Imperial College London
Professor John Irvine, Professor, School of Chemistry at University of St Andrews
Possible questions

  • What contribution are battery and fuel cell technologies currently making towards decarbonization in the UK?
  • What advances do we expect to see in battery and fuel cell technologies, and over what timeframes?
  • How quickly can UK battery and fuel cell manufacture be scaled up to meet electrification demands?
  • What are the challenges facing technological innovation and deployment in heavy transport?
  • Are there any sectors where battery and fuel cell technologies are not currently used but could contribute to decarbonisation?
  • What are the life cycle environmental impacts of batteries and fuel cells?

Parliament TV video of the meeting
This is part two of a three part enquiry.
Part one can be found here and part three can be found here.

Countries: United Kingdom

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Transcript of  the11.00 session

Transcript of the 10.00 session

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