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Hysafe SBEP-V20: Numerical Predictions of Release Experiments Inside a Residential Garage With Passive Ventilation


This work presents the results of the Standard Benchmark Exercise Problem (SBEP) V20 of Work Package 6 (WP6) of HySafe Network of Excellence (NoE), co-funded by the European Commission, in the frame of evaluating the quality and suitability of codes, models and user practices by comparative assessments of code results. The benchmark problem SBEP-V20 covers release scenarios that were experimentally investigated in the past using helium as a substitute to hydrogen. The aim of the experimental investigations was to determine the ventilation requirements for parking hydrogen fuelled vehicles in residential garages. Helium was released under the vehicle for 2 h with 7.200 l/h flow rate. The leak rate corresponded to a 20% drop of the peak power of a 50 kW fuel cell vehicle. Three double vent garage door geometries are considered in this numerical investigation. In each case the vents are located at the top and bottom of the garage door. The vents vary only in height. In the first case, the height of the vents is 0.063 m, in the second 0.241 m and in the third 0.495 m. Four HySafe partners participated in this benchmark. The following CFD packages with the respective models were applied to simulate the experiments: ADREA-HF using k–ɛ model by partner NCSRD, FLACS using k–ɛ model by partner DNV, FLUENT using k–ɛ model by partner UPM and CFX using laminar and the low-Re number SST model by partner JRC. This study compares the results predicted by the partners to the experimental measurements at four sensor locations inside the garage with an attempt to assess and validate the performance of the different numerical approaches.

Related subjects: Safety

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