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International Association for Hydrogen Safety ‘Research Priorities Workshop’, September 2018, Buxton, UK


Hydrogen has the potential to be used by many countries as part of decarbonising the future energy system. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel ‘vector’ to store and transport energy produced in low-carbon ways. This could be particularly important in applications such as heating and transport where other solutions for low and zero carbon emission are difficult. To enable the safe uptake of hydrogen technologies, it is important to develop the international scientific evidence base on the potential risks to safety and how to control them effectively. The International Association for Hydrogen Safety (known as IA HySAFE) is leading global efforts to ensure this. HSE hosted the 2018 IA HySAFE Biennial Research Priorities Workshop. A panel of international experts presented during nine key topic sessions: (1) Industrial and National Programmes; (2) Applications; (3) Storage; (4) Accident Physics – Gas Phase; (5) Accident Physics – Liquid/ Cryogenic Behaviour; (6) Materials; (7) Mitigation, Sensors, Hazard Prevention and Risk Reduction; (8) Integrated Tools for Hazard and Risk Assessment; (9) General Aspects of Safety.
This report gives an overview of each topic made by the session chairperson. It also gives further analysis of the totality of the evidence presented. The workshop outputs are shaping international activities on hydrogen safety. They are helping key stakeholders to identify gaps in knowledge and expertise, and to understand and plan for potential safety challenges associated with the global expansion of hydrogen in the energy system.

Funding source: Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Related subjects: Safety

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