Integration of Experimental Facilities: A Joint Effort for Establishing a Common Knowledge Base in Experimental Work on Hydrogen Safety
Sep 2009
With regard to the goals of the European HySafe Network research facilities are essential for the experimental investigation of relevant phenomena for testing devices and safety concepts as well as for the generation of validation data for the various numerical codes and models. The integrating activity ‘Integration of Experimental Facilities (IEF)’ has provided basic support for jointly performed experimental work within HySafe. Even beyond the funding period of the NoE HySafe in the 6th Framework Programme IEF represents a long lasting effort for reaching sustainable integration of the experimental research capacities and expertise of the partners from different research fields. In order to achieve a high standard in the quality of experimental data provided by the partners emphasis was put on the know-how transfer between the partners. The strategy for reaching the objectives consisted of two parts. On the one hand a documentation of the experimental capacities has been prepared and analysed. On the other hand a communication base has been established by means of biannual workshops on experimental issues. A total of 8 well received workshops has been organised covering topics from measurement technologies to safety issues. Based on the information presented by the partners a working document on best practice including the joint experimental knowledge of all partners with regard to experiments and instrumentation was created. Preserving the character of a working document it was implemented in the IEF wiki website which was set up in order to provide a central communication platform. The paper gives an overview of the IEF network activities over the last 5 years.
HIAD – Hydrogen Incident and Accident Database
Sep 2011
The Hydrogen Incident and Accident Database (HIAD) is being developed as a repository of systematic data describing in detail hydrogen-related undesired events (incidents or accidents). It is an open web-based information system serving various purposes such as a data source for lessons learnt risk communication and partly risk assessment. The paper describes the features of the three HIAD modules – the Data Entry Module (DEM) the Data Retrieval Module (DRM) and the Data Analysis Module (DAM) – and the potential impact the database may have on hydrogen safety. The importance of data quality assurance process is also addressed.
3D Risk Management for Hydrogen Installations (HY3DRM)
Oct 2015
This paper introduces the 3D risk management (3DRM) concept with particular emphasis on hydrogen installations (Hy3DRM). The 3DRM framework entails an integrated solution for risk management that combines a detailed site-specific 3D geometry model a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool for simulating flow-related accident scenarios methodology for frequency analysis and quantitative risk assessment (QRA) and state-of-the-art visualization techniques for risk communication and decision support. In order to reduce calculation time and to cover escalating accident scenarios involving structural collapse and projectiles the CFD-based consequence analysis can be complemented with empirical engineering models reduced order models or finite element analysis (FEA). The paper outlines the background for 3DRM and presents a proof-of-concept risk assessment for a hypothetical hydrogen filling station. The prototype focuses on dispersion fire and explosion scenarios resulting from loss of containment of gaseous hydrogen. The approach adopted here combines consequence assessments obtained with the CFD tool FLACS-Hydrogen from Gexcon and event frequencies estimated with the Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models (HyRAM) tool from Sandia to generate 3D risk contours for explosion pressure and radiation loads. For a given population density and set of harm criteria it is straightforward to extend the analysis to include personnel risk as well as risk-based design such as detector optimization. The discussion outlines main challenges and inherent limitations of the 3DRM concept as well as prospects for further development towards a fully integrated framework for risk management in organizations.
Accidental Hydrogen Release in Gc-laboratory: A Case Study
Oct 2015
A 50-litre standard hydrogen gas cylinder was temporarily placed in a laboratory to supply hydrogen gas to a flame ionization detector (FID) for use in gas chromatography (GC). On 20 January 2015 the safety relief valve on the pressure regulator failed and released about 0.34 kg of hydrogen into the laboratory. The gas cloud did not ignite so there was no injury or damage. The results of a full investigation with a complete course of action and reconstruction are presented that verify the cause of the leakage and estimate the gas concentration of the dispersion and gas cloud. A preliminary simulation of the likely explosion is provided. If the gas cloud had ignited the explosion would most likely have caused significant structural damage to doors windows and possibly the walls.
Hydrogen Explosions in 20’ ISO Container
Oct 2015
This paper describes a series of explosion experiments in inhomogeneous hydrogen air clouds in a standard 20′ ISO container. Test parameter variations included nozzle configuration jet direction reservoir back pressure time of ignition after release and degree of obstacles. The paper presents the experimental setup resulting pressure records and high speed videos. The explosion pressures from the experiments without obstacles were in the range of 0.4–7 kPa. In the experiments with obstacles the gas exploded more violently producing pressures in order of 100 kPa.
Status, Gaps and Recommendations Regarding Standardisation and the Use of Hydrogen in Sustainable Buildings
Sep 2013
The use of and interpretation of Regulations Codes and Standards is important input when developing hydrogen systems and applications. This paper presents the work related to standardisation undertaken by DNV as part of the EU supported project H2SusBuild. During the H2SusBuild project a renewable (solar and wind) based full scale energy system with components for hydrogen storage hydrogen production by electrolysis and hydrogen consumption by fuel cell and burner was built and integrated into an existing office building in Lavrion Greece. The relevant standards identified and applied the standardisation gaps identified and the recommendations made for further standardisation activities are presented.
The New Oil? The Geopolitics and International Governance of Hydrogen
Jun 2020
While most hydrogen research focuses on the technical and cost hurdles to a full-scale hydrogen economy little consideration has been given to the geopolitical drivers and consequences of hydrogen developments. The technologies and infrastructures underpinning a hydrogen economy can take markedly different forms and the choice over which pathway to take is the object of competition between different stakeholders and countries. Over time cross-border maritime trade in hydrogen has the potential to fundamentally redraw the geography of global energy trade create a new class of energy exporters and reshape geopolitical relations and alliances between countries. International governance and investments to scale up hydrogen value chains could reduce the risk of market fragmentation carbon lock-in and intensified geo-economic rivalry.
Benchmark Exercise on Risk Assessment Methods Applied to a Virtual Hydrogen Refuelling Station
Sep 2009
A benchmarking exercise on quantitative risk assessment (QRA) methodologies has been conducted within the project HyQRA under the framework of the European Network of Excellence (NoE) HySafe. The aim of the exercise was basically twofold: (i) to identify the differences and similarities in approaches in a QRA and their results for a hydrogen installation between nine participating partners representing a broad spectrum of background in QRA culture and history and (ii) to identify knowledge gaps in the various steps and parameters underlying the risk quantification. In the first step a reference case was defined: a virtual hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) in virtual surroundings comprising housing school shops and other vulnerable objects. All partners were requested to conduct a QRA according to their usual approach and experience. Basically participants were free to define representative release cases to apply models and frequency assessments according their own methodology and to present risk according to their usual format. To enable inter-comparison a required set of results data was prescribed like distances to specific thermal radiation levels from fires and distances to specific overpressure levels. Moreover complete documentation of assumptions base data and references was to be reported. It was not surprising that a wide range of results was obtained both in the applied approaches as well as in the quantitative outcomes and conclusions. This made it difficult to identify exactly which assumptions and parameters were responsible for the differences in results as the paper will show. A second phase was defined in which the QRA was determined by a more limited number of release cases (scenarios). The partners in the project agreed to assess specific scenarios in order to identify the differences in consequence assessment approaches. The results of this phase provide a better understanding of the influence of modelling assumptions and limitations on the eventual conclusions with regard to risk to on-site people and to the off-site public. This paper presents the results and conclusions of both stages of the exercise.
Hazard Distance Nomograms for a Blast Wave from a Compressed Hydrogen Tank Rupture in a Fire
Sep 2017
Nomograms for assessment of hazard distances from a blast wave generated by a catastrophic rupture of stand-alone (stationary) and onboard compressed hydrogen cylinder in a fire are presented. The nomograms are easy to use hydrogen safety engineering tools. They were built using the validated and recently published analytical model. Two types of nomograms were developed – one for use by first responders and another for hydrogen safety engineers. The paper underlines the importance of an international effort to unify harm and damage criteria across different countries as the discrepancies identified by the authors gave the expected results of different hazard distances for different criteria.
Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Jet Fires for Industrial Safety Analyses – Comparison with Large-scale Experiments
Sep 2019
Reliable predictive tools for hydrogen safety engineering are needed to meet increased and more widespread use of hydrogen in the society. Industrial models and methods used to establish thermal radiation hazard safety distances from hydrogen jet fires are often based on models previously developed for hydrocarbon jet fires. Their capability of predicting radiative heat fluxes from hydrogen jet fires has often only been validated against small-scale or medium-scale jet flame experiments. However large-scale hydrogen jet fire experiments have shown that thermal radiation levels can be significantly higher than one might expect from extrapolation of experience on smaller hydrogen flames. Here two large-scale horizontal hydrogen jet fires (from a 20.9 mm and a 52.5 mm diameter release respectively) have been modelled and simulated with the advanced industrial CFD code KAMELEON FIREEX KFX® based on the Eddy Dissipation Concept by Magnussen for turbulent combustion modelling. The modelling of the high-pressure hydrogen gas releases is based on a pseudo-source concept using real-gas thermodynamic data for hydrogen. The discrete transport method of Lockwood and Shah is used to calculate the radiative heat transfer and radiative properties of water vapour are modelled according to Leckner. The predicted thermal radiation is compared to data from large-scale hydrogen jet fire experiments and discussed. This work was conducted as part of a KFX-H2 R&D project supported by the Research Council of Norway.
Modelling of Hydrogen Jet Fires Using CFD
Sep 2011
The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software FLACS has primarily been developed to model dispersion and explosion phenomena; however models for the simulation of jet fires are under development. The aim is to be able to predict industrial fires efficiently and with good precision. Newly developed models include e.g. flame models for non-premixed flames discrete transfer radiation model as well as soot models. Since the time scales for fire simulations are longer than for explosions the computational speed is important. The recent development of non-compressible and parallel solvers in FLACS may therefore be important to ensure efficiency. Hydrogen flames may be invisible will generate no soot and tend to radiate less than hydrocarbon fuels. Due to high pressure storage the flame lengths can be significant. Simpler jet flame relations can not predict the jet flame interaction with objects and barriers and thus the heat loads on impacted objects. The development of efficient and precise CFD-tools for hydrogen fires is therefore important. In this paper the new models for the simulation of fire are described. These models are currently under development and this manuscript describes the current status of the work. Jet fire experiments performed by Health and Safety Laboratories (HSL) both free jets and impinging jets will also be simulated to evaluate the applicability and validity of the new fire models.
The Effect of Hydrogen on the Nanoindentation Behavior of Heat Treated 718 Alloy
Oct 2020
In this study the effect of precipitates on the surface mechanical properties in the presence of hydrogen (H) is investigated by in situ electrochemical nanoindentation. The nickel superalloy 718 is subjected to three different heat treatments leading to different sizes of the precipitates: (i) solution annealing (SA) to eliminate all precipitates (ii) the as-received (AR) sample with fine dispersed precipitates and (iii) the over-aged (OA) specimen with coarser precipitates. The nanoindentation is performed using a conical tip and a new method of reverse imaging is employed to calculate the nano-hardness. The results show that the hardness of the SA sample is significantly affected by H diffusion. However it could be recovered by removing the H from its matrix by applying an anodic potential. Since the precipitates in the OA and AR samples are different they are influenced by H differently. The hardness increase for the OA sample is more significant in −1200mV while for the AR specimen the H is more effective in −1500mV. In addition the pop-in load is reduced when the samples are exposed to cathodic charging and it cannot be fully recovered by switching to an anodic potential.
Application of Hydrides in Hydrogen Storage and Compression: Achievements, Outlook and Perspectives
Feb 2019
José Bellosta von Colbe,
Jose-Ramón Ares,
Jussara Barale,
Marcello Baricco,
Craig Buckley,
Giovanni Capurso,
Noris Gallandat,
David M. Grant,
Matylda N. Guzik,
Isaac Jacob,
Emil H. Jensen,
Julian Jepsen,
Thomas Klassen,
Mykhaylo V. Lototskyy,
Kandavel Manickam,
Amelia Montone,
Julian Puszkiel,
Martin Dornheim,
Sabrina Sartori,
Drew Sheppard,
Alastair D. Stuart,
Gavin Walker,
Colin Webb,
Heena Yang,
Volodymyr A. Yartys,
Andreas Züttel and
Torben R. Jensen
Metal hydrides are known as a potential efficient low-risk option for high-density hydrogen storage since the late 1970s. In this paper the present status and the future perspectives of the use of metal hydrides for hydrogen storage are discussed. Since the early 1990s interstitial metal hydrides are known as base materials for Ni – metal hydride rechargeable batteries. For hydrogen storage metal hydride systems have been developed in the 2010s [1] for use in emergency or backup power units i. e. for stationary applications.<br/>With the development and completion of the first submarines of the U212 A series by HDW (now Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems) in 2003 and its export class U214 in 2004 the use of metal hydrides for hydrogen storage in mobile applications has been established with new application fields coming into focus.<br/>In the last decades a huge number of new intermetallic and partially covalent hydrogen absorbing compounds has been identified and partly more partly less extensively characterized.<br/>In addition based on the thermodynamic properties of metal hydrides this class of materials gives the opportunity to develop a new hydrogen compression technology. They allow the direct conversion from thermal energy into the compression of hydrogen gas without the need of any moving parts. Such compressors have been developed and are nowadays commercially available for pressures up to 200 bar. Metal hydride based compressors for higher pressures are under development. Moreover storage systems consisting of the combination of metal hydrides and high-pressure vessels have been proposed as a realistic solution for on-board hydrogen storage on fuel cell vehicles.<br/>In the frame of the “Hydrogen Storage Systems for Mobile and Stationary Applications” Group in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Task 32 “Hydrogen-based energy storage” different compounds have been and will be scaled-up in the near future and tested in the range of 500 g to several hundred kg for use in hydrogen storage applications.
Residual Performance of Composite Pressure Vessels Submitted to Mechanical Impacts
Sep 2017
Type IV pressure vessels are commonly used for hydrogen on-board stationary or bulk storages. During their lifetime they can be submitted to mechanical impacts creating damage within the composite structure not necessarily correlated to what is visible from the outside. When an impact is suspected or when a cylinder is periodically inspected it is necessary to determine whether it can safely stay in service or not. The FCH JU project Hypactor aims at creating a large database of impacts characterized by various non destructive testing (NDT) methods in order to provide reliable pass-fail criteria for damaged cylinders. This paper presents some of the tests results investigating short term burst) and long term (cycling) performance of impacted cylinders and the recommendations that can be made for impact testing and NDT criteria calibration.
Blind-prediction: Estimating the Consequences of Vented Hydrogen Deflagrations for Homogeneous Mixtures in a 20-foot ISO Container
Sep 2017
Trygve Skjold,
Helene Hisken,
Sunil Lakshmipathy,
Gordon Atanga,
Marco Carcassi,
Martino Schiavetti,
James R. Stewart,
A. Newton,
James R. Hoyes,
Ilias C. Tolias,
Alexandros G. Venetsanos,
Olav Roald Hansen,
J. Geng,
Asmund Huser,
Sjur Helland,
Romain Jambut,
Ke Ren,
Alexei Kotchourko,
Thomas Jordan,
Jérome Daubech,
Guillaume Lecocq,
Arve Grønsund Hanssen,
Chenthil Kumar,
Laurent Krumenacker,
Simon Jallais,
D. Miller and
Carl Regis Bauwens
This paper summarises the results from a blind-prediction study for models developed for estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations. The work is part of the project Improving hydrogen safety for energy applications through pre-normative research on vented deflagrations (HySEA). The scenarios selected for the blind-prediction entailed vented explosions with homogeneous hydrogen-air mixtures in a 20-foot ISO container. The test program included two configurations and six experiments i.e. three repeated tests for each scenario. The comparison between experimental results and model predictions reveals reasonable agreement for some of the models and significant discrepancies for others. It is foreseen that the first blind-prediction study in the HySEA project will motivate developers to improve their models and to update guidelines for users of the models.
A Barrier Analysis of a Generic Hydrogen Refuelling Station
Sep 2009
Any technical installation need appropriate safety barriers installed to prevent or mitigate any adverse effects concerning people property and environment. In this context a safety barrier is a series of elements each consisting of a technical system or human action that implement a planned barrier function to prevent control or mitigate the propagation of a condition or event into an undesired condition or event. This is also important for new technologies as hydrogen refuelling stations being operated at very high pressures up to 900bar. In order to establish the needed barriers a hazard identification of the installation has to be carried out to identify the possible hazardous events. In this study this identification was done using the generic layout of a future large hydrogen refuelling station that has been developed by the EU NoE HySafe. This was based on experiences with smaller scale refuelling stations that has been in operation for several years e.g. being used in the former CUTE and ECTOS projects. Using this approach the object of the study is to support activities to further improve the safety performance of future larger refuelling stations. This will again help to inform the authorities and the public to achieve a proper public awareness and to support building up a realistic risk and safety perception of the safety on such future refuelling stations. In the second step the hazardous events that may take place and the barriers installed to stop hazards and their escalation are analysed also using in-house developed software to model the barriers and to quantify their performance. The paper will present an overview and discuss the state-of-the-art of the barriers established in the generic refuelling station.
Experimental Study of Light Gas Dispersion in a Channel
Sep 2019
Usage of hydrogen as fuel gives rise to possible accidental risks due to leakage and dispersion. A risk from hydrogen leak is the formation of a large volume of the hydrogen-air mixture which could be ignited and leading up to a severe explosion. Prevention and control of formation and ignition of combustible hydrogen cloud necessitate sufficient knowledge of mechanisms of the hydrogen leak dispersion ignition and over-pressures generated during combustion. This paper aims to investigate the momentum-controlled jet the buoyancy-controlled wave and the parameters influencing hydrogen concentration distribution in an elongated space. It demonstrates experimental results and analysis from helium and hydrogen dispersion in a channel. A set of experiments were carried out for the release of helium and hydrogen jets in a 3 m long channel to record their concentrations in the cloud by concentration sensors at different horizontal and vertical positions. Flow visualization technique was applied using shadowgraph to image the mixing process next to the release point and the helium- hydrogen-air cloud shape at the middle of the channel. Moreover results were used for comparison of helium and hydrogen concentration gradients. The results of the experiments show that swift mixing occurs at higher flow rates smaller nozzle sizes and downward release direction. Higher concentration recorded in the channel with negative inclination. Results also confirmed that hydrogen/helium behavior pattern in the channel accords with mutual intrusion theory about gravity currents.
Minimum Entropy Generation in a Heat Exchanger in the Cryogenic Part of the Hydrogen Liquefaction Process: On the Validity of Equipartition and Disappearance of the Highway
May 2019
Liquefaction of hydrogen is a promising technology for transporting large quantities of hydrogen across long distances. A key challenge is the high power consumption. In this work we discuss refrigeration strategies that give minimum entropy production/exergy destruction in a plate-fin heat exchanger that cools the hydrogen from 47.8 K to 29.3 K. Two reference cases are studied; one where the feed stream enters at 20 bar and one where it enters at 80 bar. Catalyst in the hot layers speeds up the conversion of ortho-to para-hydrogen. Optimal control theory is used to formulate a minimization problem where the objective function is the total entropy production the control variable is the temperature of the refrigerant and the constrains are the balance equations for energy mass and momentum in the hot layers. The optimal refrigeration strategies give a reduction of the total entropy production of 8.7% in the 20-bar case and 4.3% in the 80-bar case. The overall heat transfer coefficient and duty is higher in the 20 bar case which compensates for the increase in entropy production due to a thermal mismatch that is avoided in the 80 bar case. This leads the second law efficiency of the 20 bar case (91%) to be similar to the 80 bar case (89%). We demonstrate that equipartition of the entropy production and equipartition of the thermal driving force are both excellent design principles for the process unit considered with total entropy productions deviating only 0.2% and 0.5% from the state of minimum entropy production. Equipartition of the thermal driving force i.e. a constant difference between the inverse temperatures of the hot and cold layers represents a particularly simple guideline that works remarkably well. We find that both heat transfer and the spin-isomer reaction contribute significantly to the entropy production throughout the length of the process unit. Unlike previous examples in the literature the process unit considered in this work is not characterized by a “reaction mode” at the inlet followed by a “heat transfer mode”. Therefore it does not follow a highway in state space i.e. a band that is particularly dense with energy efficient solutions. By artificially increasing the spin-isomer conversion rate the highway appears when the conversion rate becomes sufficiently high.
Numerical Simulations of a Large Hydrogen Release in a Process Plant
Sep 2009
This paper describes a series of numerical simulations with release and ignition of hydrogen. The objective of this work was to re-investigate the accidental explosion in an ammonia plant which happened in Norway in 1985 with modern CFD tools. The severe hydrogen-air explosion led to two fatalities and complete destruction of the factory building where the explosion occurred. A case history of the accident was presented at the ICHS in Pisa 2005.<br/>The numerical simulations have been performed with FLACS a commercial CFD simulation tool for gas dispersion and gas explosions. The code has in the recent years been validated in the area of hydrogen dispersion and explosions.<br/>The factory building was 100 m long 10 m wide and 7 m high. A blown-out gasket in a water pump led to release of hydrogen from a large reservoir storing gaseous hydrogen at 3.0 MPa. The accident report estimated a total mass of released hydrogen between 10 and 20 kg. The location of the faulty gasket is known but the direction of the accidental release is not well known and has been one of the topics of our investigations. Several simulations have been performed to investigate the mixing process of hydrogen-air clouds and the development of a flammable gas cloud inside the factory building resulting in a simulation matrix with dispersions in all axis directions. Simulations of ignition of the different gas clouds were carried out and resulting pressure examined. These results have been compared with the damages observed during the accident investigation.<br/>We have also performed FLACS simulations to study the effect of natural venting and level of congestion. The height of the longitudinal walls has been varied leading to different vent openings at floor level at the ceiling and a combination of the two. This was done to investigate the effects of congestion with regards to gas cloud formation.<br/>The base case simulation appears to be in good accordance to the observed damages from the accident. The simulations also show that the build up of the gas cloud strongly depends on the direction of the jet and degree of ventilation. The CFD study has given new insights to the accident and the results are a clear reminder of the importance of natural venting in hydrogen safety.
Decarbonization of the Iron and Steel Industry with Direct Reduction of Iron Ore with Green Hydrogen
Feb 2020
Production of iron and steel releases seven percent of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Incremental changes in present primary steel production technologies would not be sufficient to meet the emission reduction targets. Replacing coke used in the blast furnaces as a reducing agent with hydrogen produced from water electrolysis has the potential to reduce emissions from iron and steel production substantially. Mass and energy flow model based on an open-source software (Python) has been developed in this work to explore the feasibility of using hydrogen direct reduction of iron ore (HDRI) coupled with electric arc furnace (EAF) for carbon-free steel production. Modeling results show that HDRI-EAF technology could reduce specific emissions from steel production in the EU by more than 35% at present grid emission levels (295 kgCO2/MWh). The energy consumption for 1 ton of liquid steel (tls) production through the HDRI-EAF route was found to be 3.72 MWh which is slightly more than the 3.48 MWh required for steel production through the blast furnace (BF) basic oxygen furnace route (BOF). Pellet making and steel finishing processes have not been considered. Sensitivity analysis revealed that electrolyzer efficiency is the most important factor affecting the system energy consumption while the grid emission factor is strongly correlated with the overall system emissions.
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