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f HyDeploy Report: Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Field Trial of Hydrogen Injection into the Keele University Gas Distribution System


A consortium comprising Cadent, Northern Gas Networks, Keele University, Health and Safety Laboratory, ITM Power and Progressive Energy is undertaking the research project HyDeploy. The project, funded under the UK Network Innovation Competition scheme, aims to demonstrate that natural gas containing levels of hydrogen beyond the upper limit set out in Schedule 3 of in the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GSMR) can be distributed and utilised safely and efficiently in a section of the UK distribution network. It will conclude with a field trial in which hydrogen will be injected into part of a private gas distribution system owned and operated by Keele University. Dave Lander Consulting Limited and Kiwa Ltd are providing technical support to the HyDeploy project and this report presents the results of Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) for the proposed field trial. The QRA is intended to support an application by Keele University for exemption from the legal requirement to only convey gas that is compliant with the requirements of Schedule 3 of the GSMR. The QRA is aimed at demonstrating that the field trial will not result in a material increase in risk to persons within Keele University affected by the proposed field trial.
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Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: United Kingdom

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