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f HyDeploy Report: Material Effects of Introducing Hydrogen into the UK Gas Supply


Introduction of hydrogen into the UK gas main has been reviewed in terms of how materials within the Keele G3 gas distribution network (G3 GDN) on the Keele University network may be affected by contact with natural gas (NG):hydrogen blends up to a limit of 20 % mol/mol hydrogen.
This work has formed part of the supporting evidence for a 1 year hydrogen blending trial on the Keele G3 GDN coordinated by the HyDeploy consortium (formed of representatives of Cadent, Northern Gas Networks, ITM Power, Progressive Energy, HSL, and Keele University).
A wide range of materials were identified and assessed via a combination of literature review and practical test programmes. No significant changes to material properties in terms of accelerated material degradation or predicted efficiency of gas confinement were identified which would cause concern for the year-long trial at Keele.
It can be concluded that materials on the Keele G3 GDN should be acceptable to provide a safe operating network the HyDeploy demonstrator project up to a level of 20 % mol/mol hydrogen.
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Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: United Kingdom

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